Chapter 3081 Friends meet

  The next morning at seven o'clock, Lu Xiaoxiao packed up her things after breakfast, and went out to the food factory.

When she came to the gate of the food factory, she happened to meet Zhang Yuanyuan, so she took out a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to Zhang Yuanyuan, saying, "Yuanyuan, this is the proof of living in the dormitory. Before you move in, remember to bring the proof to Zhang Yuanyuan." Report to the Logistics Department."

   Zhang Yuanyuan nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then took the paper from Lu Xiaoxiao's hand, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "I see, thank you Xiaoxiao."

   "You're welcome, I won't go into the factory with you, I went to the train station to take a train."

   "Okay, be careful on the road."

   "Got it." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the train station.

  At 11:30 noon, Lu Xiaoxiao arrived in Ankang County. Instead of wandering around, she walked directly towards the state-run hotel in Ankang County.

  When she came to the state-run hotel, she saw Yang Taotao sitting in front of the counter having lunch, so she went to the counter and said to Yang Taotao, "Comrade, can you open a room for me?"

   "Wait a minute, my meal is almost finished." After Yang Taotao finished speaking, she speeded up her meal, and she ate her meal in a short while.

  Then she looked up and looked outside the counter, and saw Lu Xiaoxiao standing outside the counter smiling at her, which made her yell excitedly.

  Seeing Yang Taotao's excited look, Lu Xiaoxiao shook her head helplessly, and then said to Yang Taotao: "Taotao, quickly open a room for me, I want to wash my body, the weather is too hot."

   "Okay, I'll open a room for you right away."

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the second floor with the key. She opened the room that Yang Taotao had opened for her, and entered the room.

  After wandering around the room, she saw that nothing was wrong, so she closed the curtains and was about to enter the space to take a shower.

  But before she entered the space, she heard a knock on the door, so she had no choice but to open the door first.

   "Xiaoxiao, I've brought you hot water. If it's not enough, I'll send you another pot." Yang Taotao said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao opened the door of the room.

   "No, one pot is enough, thank you for bringing me hot water." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took the hot water pot from Yang Taotao.

   "You're welcome, just wipe yourself off, I'm going downstairs."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao watched Yang Taotao leave, she closed the door of the room, then put the hot water pot Yang Taotao sent on the table, and went into the space to take a shower.

  After she took a shower, she finished her lunch in the space, then went out of the space and walked downstairs.

   "Xiaoxiao, why did you come down? Don't you want to take a nap?" Yang Taotao asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao coming down from the stairs.

   "I have work and no time to sleep."

   "What's the matter? Could it be the purchase of live pigs again?"

   "That's right, I came this time to purchase live pigs. I don't know if there are any live pigs in Guangrong Village."

   "I'm not particularly clear about this, but my dad said that he sold another batch last time. It is estimated that the number of live pigs in the village is limited."

   "It's okay, I only need to buy fifteen live pigs this time. If there are the best in the village, if not, I will go to other places to purchase."

   "Why don't you go back to the village with you and ask me when I get off work?"

   "No, I can go by myself."

   "Let me go with you, I'm going to ask for leave now." Yang Taotao ran towards the outside of the state-run hotel immediately after speaking.

  (end of this chapter)

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