Chapter 3086 Borrowing a car

   "Why so urgent? Doesn't the purchase certificate say that the pigs can be purchased within a week?"

   "It is indeed written in this way, but I thought the factory was in urgent need of live pigs, so I told them to pick up the goods tonight."

  Li Qianjin sighed helplessly after listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He knew in his heart that Lu Xiaoxiao could not be blamed for this matter, but he was suddenly asked to find a truck to transport live pigs. Where could he find it?

   "Director Li, what happened?" Seeing that Li Qianjin's expression was not very good, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Li Jinjin.

   "I can't find a car to transport live pigs for a while, but you can't solve this matter, you go out, and I will tell you when I find the car."

  Lu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes when she heard Li Qianjin's words, and then asked Li Jinjin, "Director Li, if I can find the car, will the factory give me a subsidy? After all, I can't let people help me for nothing."

   "Yes, but not much, only ten yuan."

   "Enough, leave the car to me, Director Li just wait for my good news." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she turned and walked out of the office.

  Looking at Lu Xiaoxiao's leaving back, Li Qianjin just wanted to call Lu Xiaoxiao to stop, but when he thought of every task that Lu Xiaoxiao had completed since joining the job, he swallowed the words back into his stomach.

  Since Lu Xiaoxiao said that she can find the car, he will believe Lu Xiaoxiao once, at worst, he will ask that stubborn old man.

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know that after she left, Li Qianjin had already thought about the way forward, and she was walking towards the factory director's office at the moment.

   "Sister Xiaoxiao, what are you doing here?" Chen Dong asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the office.

   "I came to ask you to borrow a car."

   "Borrowing a car? Can you drive?"

   "No, so I still want to borrow Secretary Chen from you."

  After listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Chen Dong's curiosity was aroused by Lu Xiaoxiao, so he asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Sister Xiaoxiao, why are you borrowing a car?"

   "Of course I made a contribution to the factory. I purchased the fifteen pigs that the factory needs this time, so you know why I borrowed the car and the people."

   "Understood, I will ask Secretary Chen to come with you."

   "Thanks, but don't forget to tell Secretary Chen that this trip will not be in vain, and all the ten yuan subsidy from the factory will be given to him."

   "So generous."

   "It's not my generosity, but Secretary Chen deserves it. If Uncle Dongzi is willing to make a trip, ten yuan can also be given to Uncle Dongzi."

   "I'd better forget it, your aunt is still waiting for me to go home for dinner."

  After hearing what Chen Dong said, Lu Xiaoxiao cast a contemptuous look at Chen Dong, then turned around and walked out of the office.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you doing? Director Li came to look for you just now, and his face is not very good seeing you not here. Go to Director Li's office to find Director Li." Zhang Yuanyuan said to Lu Xiaoxiao after Lu Xiaoxiao came back. .

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and then walked towards Li Qianjin's office.

  When she went into Li Qianjin's office, she saw Li Qianjin sitting at his desk writing something.

  So she turned to Li Jinjin and said, "Director Li, Comrade Zhang Yuanyuan told me that you went to see me just now. I don't know why you are looking for me?"

   "Did you borrow the car?"

   "I have already borrowed it, and I can leave immediately."

  (end of this chapter)

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