Chapter 3095 Group business trip

  In the next few days, Lu Xiaoxiao lived a peaceful life for a few days. Apart from going to and from get off work every day, she just made medicine in the space or made some delicious food. She lived a very leisurely life.

  It's a pity that she has not had such a good life for a few days, and she is busy again, because the family building in the factory is about to start construction, and she needs to purchase materials for the house with the people in the purchasing department.

  But this time she was just here to make soy sauce, because she had no resources at all. If the higher-ups hadn't asked all the purchasing department to act together, they probably wouldn't have taken her with them at all.

   "Xiaoxiao, this is my first time taking a train." Zhang Yuanyuan excitedly said to Lu Xiaoxiao while looking at the constantly receding scenery outside the window.

After hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Yuanyuan had been staring out of the window, fearing that she would get dizzy if she did this for a long time, so she said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, there will be more opportunities to be trains in the future, please sit down and rest. For a while, otherwise what if you don’t have the energy to buy supplies when you get off the train later.”

   "I see, I'll do it right now." After Zhang Yuanyuan finished speaking, she immediately turned around and sat down, her sitting posture was like that of a kindergarten child.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Yuanyuan's sitting posture and shook her head helplessly, but she didn't say anything, but handed Zhang Yuanyuan a piece of peach cake and said, "Eat something."

   "No, I'm not hungry, I'll eat at noon."

   "There is a unified work meal at noon. This is a small snack I brought, which is used to pass the time."

After Zhang Yuanyuan heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she reached out to take the peach cake that Lu Xiaoxiao handed her, but she didn't stuff it into her mouth immediately, but asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, what is the work meal you are talking about?" ? Why didn’t I see anyone bring food onto the train just now.”

   "The work meal I'm talking about is the food sold on the train. After a while, Deputy Director Yang will ask us to buy food. Just wait."

   "It's over, Xiaoxiao, I'm done. I didn't bring a lunch box. What should I do when it's time to eat?"

   "Don't worry, I brought two lunch boxes, and I will lend you a lunch box when I eat later."

   "Thank you, thank you so much, Xiao Xiao, you are really my caring little padded jacket."

   "Stop flattering me there, hurry up and take a break."


  At 3:30 in the afternoon, Lu Xiaoxiao got off the train with the purchaser. She was just about to ask someone to ask whether she should go directly to purchase supplies, or go to the state-run hotel to book a room first.

  But before she could say anything, she heard Yang Huai telling them to go to the brick factory, so she had no choice but to follow Yang Huai towards the brick factory.

   "Xiaoxiao, is this the process of purchasing things?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao in a low voice.

   "Probably this is the process, but the most important link has not yet appeared."

   "What link?"

   "You'll find out soon."

   "Suddenly I don't want to know, because I am too tired from the business trip."

   "What's wrong with this, you're tired after not doing anything, and you'll be fine on a business trip by yourself."

   "Xiaoxiao, stop talking, I suddenly feel that I am not suitable for purchasing."


   "Because I'm too tired."

   "Okay, don't think so much, it's the same for the first business trip, just wait until you get used to it."

   Zhang Yuanyuan thought about it after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, so she stopped thinking so much and continued to follow everyone towards the brick factory.

  (end of this chapter)

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