Chapter 3107 Start of work

   "That's great, we can continue to burn bricks, but I don't know when the money for the first batch of bricks will be settled?"

   "Isn't it written in this agreement?"

   "No, the agreement only states the unit price, quantity and total price of bricks."

   "Then I need to go back and ask. After all, the person in charge of this matter is Deputy Director Yang. I can't make the decision for him, but I will ask Deputy Director Yang to give you the money as soon as possible."

   "Thank you then."

"You're welcome."

  Seeing that the business was done, Zhang Yuanyuan asked Ge Jianzhong, "Grandpa, is grandma at home?"

   "Yes, she has been waiting for you all day."

   "Then I'm going to find my grandma."


  More than ten minutes later, Zhang Yuanyuan took Lu Xiaoxiao into the yard, and when she saw Mu Yin sitting under the eaves, she stepped forward and shouted to Mu Yin, "Grandma, I'm here to chat with you."

   "Oh, Yuanyuan, you're here. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Come into the house with grandma. Grandma has cooked a lot of delicious food for you."

   "Thank you grandma."

   "There is nothing to thank, I am only your granddaughter, by the way, this is your colleague, come in and sit together."

   "Thank you." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she followed Zhang Yuanyuan and Mu Yin and walked into the house.

After Mu Yin entered the room, she immediately took out the food she had prepared in advance, and then greeted Zhang Yuanyuan and Lu Xiaoxiao: "Come and sit down, both of you, this is a little snack I made, eat it quickly .”

   "Thank you grandma."

   "Eat quickly, you will have to rush back to the county in a while."

   "Grandma, you can eat too." Zhang Yuanyuan picked up a piece of dried sweet potato and stuffed it into Mu Yin's mouth.


   More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the time was almost up, so she said to Zhang Yuanyuan who was chatting with Mu Yin: "Yuanyuan, we should go back."

"what time is it now?"

   "It's almost five o'clock."

  When Zhang Yuanyuan heard that it was almost five o'clock, she immediately stood up and said to Mu Yin, "Grandma, I'm going back to the county seat, and I'll come to see you next time."

   "Okay, be careful on the way back, don't ride too fast."

   "Understood, I'm leaving." After Zhang Yuanyuan finished speaking, she and Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the house together, and then they rode bicycles towards the county seat.

  When they returned to the county seat, it was already six o'clock in the evening. At this time, everyone in the food factory was off work, so Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan didn't go to the food factory, but walked towards home.

After returning home, Lu Xiaoxiao took a shower in the space, and left the space with a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup. She ate several dried sweet potatoes at Grandma Zhang Yuanyuan's house in the afternoon, and she is not hungry at all, so she plans to Drink a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup.

When Lu Xiaoxiao entered the office the next morning, she obviously felt that the atmosphere in the office today was very unusual, so she asked Zhang Yuanyuan, the know-it-all, "Yuanyuan, what happened, why do you seem so happy?" look."

"The family building of our factory started construction today. Someone was digging the foundation early in the morning. When I came to work, I went around to take a look. There were quite a few people who came to dig the foundation this time. It may not take long for the house to be demolished." It can be covered."

   "Is it so fast? Haven't the bricks arrived yet?"

   "It should take a long time to dig the foundation, otherwise the factory would not let them start the construction first. Besides, the bricks will be shipped today, so there will be no delay in building the house."

   "That's right."

  (end of this chapter)

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