Chapter 3109 Pulling bricks

   "Deputy Director Yang, are you kidding? You said that Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan purchased the bricks?"

   "Yes, didn't you say that there is a brick factory in the village where Zhang Yuanyuan's family lives, and the bricks are purchased from there."

After hearing Yang Huai's words, everyone in the office showed envy and hatred. How could they not be as lucky as Zhang Yuanyuan? If they knew that there was a brick factory in that place, they would have gone there long ago. Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything now. up.

Yang Huai knew what they were thinking when he saw the expressions of the people in the office, so he said to them with a beating tone: "If you have time to worry about other people's affairs, it's better to hurry up and do the things at hand well. I don't want to see that you haven't purchased the things you need when the family building starts construction.

  Especially Xu Kedong, if I remember correctly, you are responsible for purchasing cement this time. "

  Xu Kedong nodded after hearing Yang Huai's words, and then lowered his head in shame.

  Because he hadn't contacted the person in charge of the cement factory, and he didn't know why, the person in charge of the cement factory, who was always kind, suddenly avoided him.

  It seems that he has to get off work early today and go to the cement factory to bet on the person in charge, otherwise he is afraid that he will not be able to complete the procurement task, and then he will become a joke of the procurement department.

  Yang Huai saw Xu Kedong's ashamed look, so he couldn't continue talking about him, so he said: "Hurry up, cement is as important as bricks, and both are indispensable."

   "I see, I will hurry up and purchase cement."

   "Yeah." After Yang Huai finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued to work on his own affairs.

   When Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan arrived at Luxi Village, it was after ten o'clock in the morning. After they got off the car, they saw Ge Jianzhong waiting for them at the gate of the brick factory.

  So they went up the mountain and greeted Ge Jianzhong: "Hello, Village Chief Ge."

   "Hi guys, the bricks are there, should they be loaded now or later?"


   "Okay, I'll arrange for someone to load the bricks into the car."

More than an hour later, all the 5,000 bricks were loaded onto the truck. Seeing the driver close the door of the truck, Lu Xiaoxiao took out a wad of money from her bag and handed it to Ge Jianzhong, saying, "Mr. Ge, this is the batch." Brick's money, please count, if the amount is correct, I will trouble you to sign this receipt."

  Ge Jianzhong nodded after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then he took the money from Lu Xiaoxiao and counted it. Seeing that the amount was correct, he signed his name on the receipt.

After Lu Xiaoxiao signed Ge Jianzhong's name, she put the receipt in her bag, and then said to Ge Jianzhong, "Mr. Ge, Deputy Director Yang said that in the future, the bricks will not be tied once, but tied once three times. , do you think this will work?"

   After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Ge Jianzhong thought about it for a while and felt that there was no problem, so he agreed directly.

  Lu Xiaoxiao was relieved when she saw that Ge Jianzhong had no opinion on the payment method, so she sat in the car.

   "Grandpa, I'm leaving first. I'll visit you and grandma when I'm free." Zhang Yuanyuan said to Ge Jianzhong.

   "Get in the car quickly, don't let people wait for you."


   After Lu Xiaoxiao and the others left, Ge Jianzhong entered the brick factory with the money, and said to a group of people who were busy, "Look at what this is?"

   "Qian, village chief, where did you get such a stack of money?"

   "Of course it is the money earned from selling bricks. You work hard and go to the village to collect wages when you get off work in the evening."


  (end of this chapter)

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