Chapter 3113 Rescue

   "Xiaoxiao, have you bought braised tofu?" Zhang Yuanyuan came to Lu Xiaoxiao and asked.

   "No, there are too many people to squeeze in."

   "I bought it, I will share some with you later."

   "No, you can just eat it yourself. Today I bought a stir-fried melon that I like to eat. I'll just eat this."

   "Okay, let's go find the location."


  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao was about to go to the office when she saw Wang Feng walking towards her, so she asked Wang Feng, "Sister Wang, what can you do with me?"

   "Someone is looking for you at the gate of the factory. Seeing her anxious look, something must have happened. Go and have a look."

   "Thank you, Sister Wang, I'll go right away, Yuanyuan, please help me bring the lunch box back to the office."


  A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the factory gate, and saw Liu Ermei anxiously walking up and down the factory gate, so she quickly walked towards Liu Ermei.

  When she came to Liu Ermei, she asked Liu Ermei, "Second Sister, what do you want from me?"

   "Xiaoxiao, something happened to the people in the cowshed. Someone fell down the mountain and is currently being rescued in the hospital. I know you have a good relationship with the people in the cowshed, so I'll let you know."

   "Thank you, Second Sister, I'm going to the hospital now, so I won't talk to you anymore."

   "Hurry up, I'm going back to the village by bullock cart."

  Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the hospital. She saw the captain and several young people she didn't know standing at the door of the operating room. She asked the captain, "Captain, who is injured? How is the situation now?"

The captain glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then said: "The injured person is Mr. Xie. He rolled down the hillside and hit his head on a rock. He is in very bad condition. He is currently being rescued inside." .”

   "Who pushed him down the hill? Lu Xiaoxiao asked after listening to what the captain said."

   "I don't know about that either. It was a child who found Mr. Xie, but that child was frightened and wouldn't answer any questions he asked, so to know what's going on, you need to wait for that child to stabilize."

   "Excuse me, captain, I'm watching the hospital, so you go back first, the autumn harvest will be coming soon, there must be a lot of things to do in the field."

   "Then I'll go back first, and when the child is emotionally stable, I will have someone come and talk to you."


   After the captain and the others left, Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the emergency room and walked towards the dean's office.

When she came to the dean's office, she saw that the dean was sitting at the desk while gnawing corn and looking at the cases. She knew that she had done this before, and it really broke her understanding of the hospital. perception of leadership.


   Seeing that the dean didn't notice her coming, Lu Xiaoxiao reached out and knocked on the door a few times.

   "Come in." Zhang Youliang said without raising his head when he heard the knock on the door.

   "Dean, I have something to discuss with you." Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the office and said to the dean.

"What's up?"

   "Now the emergency room is rescuing a patient, I want to go in and check the situation."

   "No, no one is allowed to enter the operating room during the operation, otherwise it will affect the doctors who are performing the operation."

   "Dean, I promise that it will not affect the doctors in the operating room, let alone the operation."

   "How can you guarantee it? With a mouth?"

   Thank you for the old fan Feng Hanqing Shui Hanxiao cutie rewards, thank you cuties for recommending monthly tickets, love you, love you



  (end of this chapter)

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