Chapter 3135 Blocking people

  Lu Xiaoxiao fell into deep thought after hearing the words of the guard. It stands to reason that if the director of the cement factory had a feud with the food factory, then the people in the food factory would not be aware of it, so what went wrong?

  She thought about it for a while but didn't come up with a reason, so she planned to put this question aside first. The most important thing for her now is to block people. Only when she blocks people can she figure out the reason.

  At 11:30 noon, when Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the people in the cement factory had started to get off work, she stepped back and stood aside, so as not to be hit by someone in time.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao waited all morning and was unwilling to leave, the old Tiantou inevitably felt a little pity in his heart, so he went to Lu Xiaoxiao and whispered to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Girl, the person you are looking for Come out, the one in the white shirt, go and find him quickly."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was a little surprised when she heard what the guard said. She didn't expect the guard to mention her, but now is not the time to think about it, because the person she wants to block has gone far away.

  So she quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from her bag and stuffed it into the hands of the uncle at the door, and ran towards the person pointed at by the uncle at the door.

   "Comrade, please stop." Lu Xiaoxiao shouted at the person she wanted to block while running.

  Mu Aihua stopped when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's shout, then he turned around and looked forward, and saw Lu Xiaoxiao running towards him.

  So he asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Comrade, what can you do for me?"

   "Excuse me, are you the director of the cement factory?" Lu Xiaoxiao just ran to Mu Aihua after hearing Mu Aihua's words, so she asked Mu Aihua.

"I am."

   "That's right, I have something to discuss with you, do you have time?"

   "No, I'm going home for dinner."

   "So when do you have time?"

   "I don't know, but you can first tell me what you are looking for me for?"

   "I can't tell you about this for now, but if you can take some time to chat with me for a while, I will definitely tell you why I am looking for you."

   "Okay, come to the cement factory at three o'clock in the afternoon, and I will ask the guard to take you to my office." After Mu Aihua finished speaking, she ignored Lu Xiaoxiao, turned around and left.

   After Lu Xiaoxiao watched Mu Aihua leave, she also turned around and walked home.

  Since Mu Aihua said to ask her to go to the cement factory to find him at three o'clock in the afternoon, then she should go home and have a good rest. By the way, she can sort out her confused thoughts, so as not to be led by the nose by Mu Aihua.

  At 2:30 in the afternoon, Lu Xiaoxiao went out to the cement factory, because her home was not very far from the cement factory, so she arrived at the gate of the cement factory at 2:50.

  Old Tiantou walked out of the house when Lu Xiaoxiao came to the gate of the cement factory, and then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Girl, let me take you into the factory."

   "Thank you, sir, my name is Lu Xiaoxiao, you can call me Comrade Lu or Xiaoxiao."

   "I'll call you Comrade Lu, don't call me uncle, just call me Lao Tiantou just like the people in the factory."


A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao followed Lao Tiantou to the door of the factory manager's office. She just wanted to say thank you to Lao Tiantou, but before she could say anything, she saw Lao Tiantou waving his hand at her, so she had no choice but to say goodbye to her. The words were swallowed back into the stomach.

  (end of this chapter)

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