Chapter 3165 Clean up the dishes

  When she came to the kitchen, she quickly took out a pack of hot pot seasonings from the space, then removed the package that wrapped the hot pot seasonings, and returned to the living room with the hot pot seasonings.

   "You want to put all the hot pot ingredients in the pot?" The gray cat asked Lu Xiaoxiao when he saw the hot pot ingredients in Lu Xiaoxiao's hand.

   "Of course, but don't worry, this hot pot base is slightly spicy, so it won't be too spicy for you."

  After listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the gray cat doubted what Lu Xiaoxiao said, but he still didn't stop Lu Xiaoxiao in the end, and watched Lu Xiaoxiao put such a large piece of hot pot base into the pot.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the hot pot ingredients in the pot had melted, so she said to Zhang Xu and the others: "You can cook the meat now, you can cook whatever you want."


   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao touched her stuffed stomach and said to the monkey: "Monkey, I just counted that you eat the most meat, so I will leave the work of cleaning up the dishes to you."

   "You ate a lot just now, why did you let me wash the dishes by myself?"

"Because I paid for the venue, so of course the job of washing the dishes is handed over to you, why don't you give me the money for buying vegetables, so that you can go directly to the sofa to sit and rest without washing the dishes .”

  Hearing that Lu Xiaoxiao asked him to give the money, Houzi stopped doing it immediately, so he started to clean up the bowls and chopsticks swiftly.

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled triumphantly when she saw the monkey's industrious appearance, and then she pulled Zhang Xu towards the sofa.

   After Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu left, the gray cat gave the monkey a look like a fool, and then helped the monkey clean up the dishes.

   When the monkey saw that the gray cat didn’t abandon him, but helped him clean up the dishes together, he was instantly moved, so he said to the gray cat, “Grey cat, you really are my good brother.”

   "Hehe... As long as you have a little brain, I don't have to work with you."

"What's the meaning?"

   "Nothing interesting, please clean up the dishes."


   More than half an hour later, the monkey and the gray cat packed the dishes and sat down in front of the sofa, and then they said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "We have already packed the dishes."

   "It's really hard for you, drink the tea on the coffee table, so that you won't get angry tomorrow."


"You're welcome."

  After the monkey drank the tea that Lu Xiaoxiao made for him, he thought it was delicious, so he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, do you still have this kind of tea? I want to have another cup."

   "The tea bag is in that green bottle. If you want to drink it, just take a bag out and brew it, but I want to remind you that this kind of tea should not be drunk too much, or you will have diarrhea."

   "I see." After the monkey finished speaking, he took out a pack of tea bags from the green bottle, and put them into the cup to brew.

   After more than an hour, Zhang Xu saw that the sky was getting dark, so he said to the little girl, "Would you like to go upstairs to sleep first, because you have to go to work tomorrow."

   "Okay, then I'll go to bed first, and you should go to bed early, and try not to stay up late if you can."


   Monkey asked Zhang Xu immediately after Lu Xiaoxiao left, "Boss, you just said that Master Xiao was going to work tomorrow, where does she go to work?"

"food factory."

   "No way, Master Xiao is unwilling to go to our base even when he goes to the food factory. It's really sad."

  (end of this chapter)

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