Chapter 3168 Help bring things

   "What? Say what you just said again." Lu Xiaoxiao said to the monkey in shock after hearing what the monkey said.

   "I said that I fell in love with Comrade Yuanyuan at first sight and wanted to pursue Comrade Yuanyuan."

   "Monkey, are you serious?"


   "Okay, I can let you pursue Yuanyuan, but if you dare to do something that hurts Yuanyuan, I will definitely not let you go."

   "Master Xiao, don't worry, I will never do anything to hurt Comrade Yuanyuan."

   "Remember what you said." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she ignored the monkey and walked directly to the kitchen.

  When she came to the kitchen, she directly sent the gray cat out of the kitchen, and then asked Zhang Xu who was cooking: "Zhang Xu, do you know that the monkey fell in love with Yuanyuan at first sight?"

"I do not know what happened?"

   "Just now Houzi said that he wanted to chase Yuanyuan. I was afraid he was just playing around with Yuanyuan, so I wanted to ask you whether Monkey is reliable in terms of relationships."

   "Don't worry, the monkey won't hurt your friend. Although he has a detached personality, he is a responsible person. You can let him and your friend try it."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was relieved after listening to Zhang Xu's words. Since Zhang Xu said that Monkey has a good character, then she let Monkey and Zhang Yuanyuan try, maybe they can really spark love.

  After dinner, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that it was still early, so she said to Zhang Xu, "Zhang Xu, I have something to go out for, and I'll be back soon."

   "Do you want me to go with you?"

   "No, I just went to Zhang Aihua's house. You also know how close Zhang Aihua's house is to us, so you don't have to send me there."

   Zhang Xu nodded after listening to the little girl's words, and then got up to send the little girl out.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to Zhang Aihua's house, she saw Zhang Aihua and Chen Zhenzhen sitting in the yard enjoying the shade, so she asked Zhang Aihua and Chen Zhenzhen, "Ahua, Aunt Chen, have you eaten yet?"

   "I've already eaten, why are you here?" Chen Zhenzhen replied after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "I'm going to Haishi to study on behalf of the factory the day after tomorrow, so I'm here to ask you, what do you need me to bring?"

   "Xiaoxiao, are you really going to Haishi the day after tomorrow?" Zhang Aihua stood up excitedly after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

"Yes what's the matter?"

   "It's nothing, just very excited. The farthest place I've been to in my life is Harbin. I didn't expect you to go to Haishi, which is farther than Harbin. It's really enviable."

   "Don't get excited, I believe you will be able to go farther in the future."

   "How is it possible, I can go to Harbin is already good, I dare not even think about other places."

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't say anything after listening to Zhang Aihua's words, but just smiled at Zhang Aihua.

  Because some things haven't appeared yet, she can't tell Zhang Aihua, but what she said just now is true, and she didn't fool Zhang Aihua at all.

   Chen Zhenzhen saw that the topic was misled by her own bad daughter, she immediately asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, can you really bring us something this time?"

   "Yes, as long as the things are not big, I can help you bring them back."

   "Then can you buy me a watch?"

   "Yes, but you have to tell me clearly about the style and price, otherwise you will be in trouble if you buy the wrong one."

  (end of this chapter)

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