Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 3186: Find something good (3)

  Chapter 3186 I found a good thing (3)

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the ring that Lao Niu handed her, she took the ring in her hand and checked it carefully. Seeing that there was no damage, she took out five rolls of money from her bag and put them on the counter.

   Then he said to Lao Niu: "You count the money, if there is nothing wrong, then our deal will be concluded."

   "Okay." After finishing speaking, Lao Niu picked up a roll of money and started counting.

  After he counted all the five volumes of money, he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "The amount of money is not wrong."

   "I took that thing."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao left the counter, she immediately put the pocket watch into Zhang Xu's hand, and said to Zhang Xu, "It's for you."

   "For me?"

   "That's right, this pocket watch is for men, if it's not for you, why should I buy it.

  But don’t think it’s a second-hand item, because antiques are usually second-hand items, and you can tell that this pocket watch is an antique. "


   "Then do you like it?"

   "As long as you send me, I like it."



   "Then I'll give you a durian."

   Zhang Xu couldn't help but pause when he heard the little girl's words, because he remembered the scene when the little girl invited him to eat durian last year. If he hadn't had good endurance, he might have vomited it up on the spot.

  He really doesn't know where the little girl got such a smelly fruit, and the little girl likes to eat it so much, he really can't understand.

  Seeing Zhang Xu's reaction, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that Zhang Xu must have remembered the scene of opening durians for the first time. She was immediately happy, so she laughed unceremoniously.

   "Is it funny?" Seeing the little girl leaning forward and backward with a smile, Zhang Xu asked the little girl helplessly while stretching out his hand to protect the little girl.

   "It's funny, but for the sake of protecting me, I won't give you durian this time. I'll treat you to rice noodles."

   "What fan?" Zhang Xu immediately asked vigilantly after hearing what the little girl said.

   It’s no wonder Zhang Xu is so vigilant, it’s because the little girl teases people too much, and they are all things that people cannot guard against, so he must ask the little girl clearly before agreeing.

  Seeing Zhang Xu's vigilant look, Lu Xiaoxiao thought it was very cute, so she didn't hide Zhang Xu's name, and directly told him the name of the fan she wanted to treat him to.

   Zhang Xu heard the little girl ask him to eat snail noodles. He thought that snails are not particularly bad, and he should be able to accept the taste of snail noodles, so he nodded to the little girl.

   "Do you agree to eat snail noodles?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu when she saw Zhang Xu nodding.


   "That's really great. I'll cook snail noodles when I get back. This is my favorite noodle. From today on, we will be good friends who can make noodle together."

   Zhang Xu heard the little girl's words and then saw the little girl's happy look. In the end, he still didn't say what he wanted to say, but asked the little girl: "Do you want to continue shopping?"

   "I won't go shopping anymore, we each got a treasure this time, so I don't want to go shopping anymore."

   "Baby? What kind of baby did you get, it shouldn't be the ring."

   "That's right, it's this ring." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she handed the ring to Zhang Xu.

After Zhang Xu took a look at the ring that the little girl handed him, he had to admire the little girl's good luck, because the little girl's ring was not inlaid with glass products, but a powder of more than ten carats. drill.

  (end of this chapter)

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