Chapter 3190 Really fragrant (1)

   "Is this the snail powder you mentioned?" Zhang Xu frowned and asked the little girl.

   "Yeah, what's the matter? Didn't you say to eat, I also specially added a lot of beef for you."

   "What did you put in it, why does it have a sour smell?"

   "Sour bamboo shoots, it tastes very good, you will know it after one bite."

   "Can I not eat?"

   "No, you promised me before."

   Zhang Xu gritted his teeth when he heard the little girl's words, then picked up the chopsticks and picked up a chopsticks of powder, and then ate the powder into his mouth expressionlessly.

   "How is it? Is it delicious?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu after Zhang Xu finished a mouthful of noodles.

   "It's okay, I should be more acceptable if I don't put sour bamboo shoots."

   "Sour bamboo shoots are the soul of snail noodles. If there is no sour bamboo shoots and snail noodles, it is not snail noodles. Although the taste of sour bamboo shoots is unacceptable to many people, you will accept it when you eat too much."

After Zhang Xu heard the little girl's words, although he really wanted to say that he might not be able to accept the taste of sour bamboo shoots in his life, but when he saw the little girl eating so happily, he finally didn't say it out, but endured it to make him feel uncomfortable. The comfortable taste accompanied the little girl to eat snail noodles.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao drank the last sip of the snail noodles soup, she saw that Zhang Xu had also finished the snail noodles, but Zhang Xu didn't finish the soup like her, but only ate the noodles.

  But for someone who is eating snail noodles for the first time, it is already very good to finish the noodles, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Are you full?"

"I am full."

   "Then I'm going to wash the dishes." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she stood up and prepared to pack the dishes.

  But as soon as her hand touched the bowl, a hand took the bowl away before her.

  So she raised her head and looked at Zhang Xu, and then said to Zhang Xu, "Didn't you tell me to wash the dishes?"

   "I'll go wash it, you cook the noodles, I'll wash the dishes."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Xu had quickly cleaned up the dishes, so she didn't compete with Zhang Xu for washing dishes, but sat on the sofa to rest.

   It is said that she was a little bit faster just now, which caused her stomach to be a little full now.

  Just as she was about to stand up and walk around to digest food, she heard a knock on the door, so she stood up and walked towards the door.

  When she came to the door of the room, she looked out through the hole in the door and saw the monkey and the gray cat, so she opened the door of the room.

   "Master Xiao, why are you here?" Monkey asked Lu Xiaoxiao when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I'm going to live here."

   "Oh, is the boss there?"

   "Yes, come in." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she turned sideways to let the monkey and gray cat enter the room.

  Monkey smelled a bad smell as soon as he entered the room, so he immediately covered his nose and asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, why is the room so smelly? Could it be the toilet bursting?"

   "Who told you that the toilet burst?" Lu Xiaoxiao felt her stomach churn when she heard the monkey's words, and then she said to the monkey with a dark face.

   "No one told me, this is obviously the smell in the toilet, I know it as soon as I smell it."

   "I said that the toilet didn't explode, and the smell in the room came from the powder I just ate."

   "Powder? Master Xiao, what kind of powder did you eat just now, and it can emit such a stinky smell? It's a pity that you can eat the powder under the influence of this smell. I really admire it."

  (end of this chapter)

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