Chapter 3202 Go together

  Seeing that the monkey started to startle again, the gray cat stretched out his hand and patted the monkey's shoulder, and then said, "It's not a beggar, it's Lord Xiao."

   "What? You said the beggar in front of you is Master Xiao?" The monkey asked incredulously after hearing what the gray cat said.

   No wonder he was so surprised, Lu Xiaoxiao's beggar was so similar, even the smell from the beggar's body was similar, which made it impossible for him to connect the person in front of him with Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I am Lu Xiaoxiao, how about it, are you satisfied with this appearance?"

   "Satisfied, really satisfied, but the smell on your body is a bit unpleasant, are you sure you can bear it?"

   "Don't worry, the smell on my body is made from medicinal materials. For those who understand medicinal materials, this smell is not unpleasant."

   "Awesome, originally I thought I looked like a beggar, but compared with you, the beggar image I played before is full of loopholes, no wonder people recognize it."

  Lu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes when she heard the monkey's words, and asked the monkey, "Monkey, do you want to improve your beggar costume?"


   "Then go and put on the clothes you brought, and I'll help you see what's wrong in a while and help you change it."

   "Okay." After the monkey finished speaking, he ran towards the bathroom with his clothes in his hands.

  After the monkey left, Zhang Xu frowned and asked the little girl, "Are you planning to take the monkey with you?"

"I have this idea, otherwise it would be too boring for me to squat there alone, and I want the monkey to see how I play a beggar, so that he won't be discovered again when he plays the beggar next time gone."

   "How about I go with you too?" Zhang Xu said after hearing what the little girl said.

   "You? Let's forget it, because you won't look like a beggar no matter what, so you should do whatever you want."

   Zhang Xu just wanted to ask why after hearing what the little girl said, but before she could ask, the monkey ran up to him and the little girl and circled around.

   "Don't turn around." Lu Xiaoxiao was dizzy from the monkey's sudden turning in circles, so she said to the monkey.

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the monkey stopped spinning in circles immediately, and then obediently stood in front of Lu Xiaoxiao like a good student.

   "Did you pretend to be a beggar like this before?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked the monkey after looking at the monkey's appearance after standing still.

   "Yeah, how is it? Does it look like a beggar?"

   "No, I have never seen a more decent beggar than you."

"What's the meaning?"

   "Have you ever seen a beggar whose hands are cleaner than his face?"


   "Then look at your own hands, and you will understand what I just said."

  After listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the monkey looked at his hands, and saw that his hands were very clean, and they were indeed completely different from the dirty hands of beggars.

  So he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, I know what to do, but can you teach me to pick out that smell on your body?"

   "Yes, but there is not enough time today. I will teach you how to adjust it another day."


   "By the way, do you want to try the effect of the new beggar appearance with me?"


   "Then you put this potion on your clothes, and then we set off."


  (end of this chapter)

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