Chapter 3221 Lively friend

   Half an hour later, after Zhang Xu finished his lunch, he asked the people in the restaurant to take away the bowls and chopsticks, and took the little girl out.

   "Where are we going? Why haven't we arrived after so long?" Seeing that the car had driven for half an hour and hadn't arrived at the destination, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu.

   "It's almost here, about ten minutes away."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and stopped disturbing Zhang Xu's driving, but looked out of the car window.

   "Oh...Xu, you're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time." Rodster enthusiastically said to Zhang Xu when Zhang Xu's car was parked in front of his house.

   "Long time no see." Seeing Rodster's enthusiastic look, Zhang Xu replied to Rodster with a rare smile.

   "Hey, who is this beautiful lady."

   "He's my sister."

   "Oh... I didn't expect such a beautiful lady to be your sister, you are so lucky."

"I think so."

   "Haha... I just like your honesty, get off the car with your beautiful sister, I have prepared a lot of good things for you."

   "Okay." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he took the little girl out of the car.

  After Rodster entered the room, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu in a low voice: "Zhang Xu, what's the name of your friend?"


   "Oh, he has a very cheerful personality, and he doesn't think about you at all. How did you two become friends?"

   "Because of an accident."


   "Come on, let's go into the house."


After Zhang Xu and Lu Xiaoxiao entered the room, Rodster immediately asked someone to bring coffee to Zhang Xu and Lu Xiaoxiao, and then said: "This is the coffee I brought this time, it tastes special Intense and mellow."

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard about Rodster's monster, she became interested immediately. Since she was reborn in this world, she never drank authentic hand-ground coffee, so she directly took a sip of the coffee, and then squinted in satisfaction. eyes.

After seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's reaction, Rodster knew that Lu Xiaoxiao liked the coffee he brought this time, and he immediately became excited, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Pretty sister, are you I love this coffee."

"yes I like it very much."

   "That's really great. I brought a lot of coffee this time. I'll give you some later, so that you can drink delicious coffee every morning."

"Then thank you, Mr. Rodster." After hearing Rodster's words, Lu Xiaoxiao did not refuse, but accepted directly, because she could tell that Rodster really wanted to share coffee with her. Her refusal would only make Rodster unhappy.

Just as Lu Xiaoxiao expected, when Rodster saw that Lu Xiaoxiao accepted the coffee he sent, he was even happier, so he happily said to Zhang Xu: "Xu, your sister's character is as beautiful as her appearance, I really like it."

   "Oh, then you have to give me something more later."

   "No problem, you can take whatever you like, but you can't lose the money, it's too hard for me to bring those things."

   "Don't worry, money is indispensable to you, let your people take out the things."

   "Okay." Rodster asked someone to bring the good things he brought to the living room after he finished speaking.

After more than ten minutes, Rodster saw that all the good things he brought had been brought to the living room, so he said to Zhang Xu and Lu Xiaoxiao: "These are the things I brought this time, you can choose whatever you like. Take it, don't be polite to me."

  (end of this chapter)

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