Chapter 3236 The villain succeeds

   "Are the statistics ready?" Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao standing there staring at the book, Yu Dan asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Already counted."

   "Then bring it over and show it to me."

   "I think you'd better stop watching, or I'm afraid you'll faint from anger."

   "Don't worry, I'm not as vulnerable as you think. Besides, this is not the first time I lead a team, so I already have the ability to resist pressure."

  After hearing Yu Dan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao exchanged a glance with Zhou Hao, and handed the paper to Yu Dan.

  After Yu Dan took the paper that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, he quickly read the content on the paper, and then his hands shook in anger.

  Because they got fewer orders this year than in previous years, how could he explain this to the factory.

   "Are you okay?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Yu Dan worriedly when she saw that Yu Dan's hands were shaking with anger.

   "It's okay, I can still bear it, how many orders have you got?"

   "I don't know yet, I won't know until tomorrow night, but it will definitely be more than the amount you pulled."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Yu Dan finally felt a little comforted, so he solemnly said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, thank you very much this time, otherwise our factory will have no face to come to Haishi to study again next year." .”

   "You don't need to thank me, I am also a member of the food factory, so it is right to contribute to the food factory."

   "You are right, we are a collective, we are all prosperous and all are damaged, so we should unite so that we can overcome all difficulties."

   "What difficulty to overcome?" Cao Juanjuan asked Yu Dan when she heard Yu Dan say that she had overcome the difficulty as soon as she walked in front of Yu Dan.

   "It's nothing, where did you and Wu Li go just now, why didn't I see you."

   "We're going to discuss the list with someone. This is the list I made with Wu Li." After finishing speaking, Cao Juanjuan took out a piece of paper from her bag and handed it to Yu Dan.

  After Yu Dan took the paper that Cao Juanjuan handed him, he quickly read what was written on the paper, and then he asked Cao Juanjuan in disbelief, "You and Wu Li negotiated these lists?"

   "Yes, if it wasn't for the short time, Wu Li and I would definitely be able to negotiate more orders."

   "Thank you for your hard work, on behalf of the food factory, thank you."

   "You're welcome, this is what we should do, but can I go back later at night? Because someone invited me to have dinner with Wu Li."

   "Yes, but you still have to come back early."

   "Understood." Cao Juanjuan left with Wu Li after speaking.

  After Cao Juanjuan and Wu Li left, Zhou Hao asked Yu Dan: "Comrade Yu Dan, how many orders did Cao Juanjuan and the others pull? I think she is about to go to heaven with her complacent look."

   "Five hundred orders are five times what those of us got. She should be proud."

   Zhou Hao froze in place after hearing the quantity Yu Dan said. He never thought that Cao Juanjuan and Wu Li could get so many orders. How they got it is really incredible.

   "Don't think too much, I promise you that I will get more orders than Cao Juanjuan, so you don't have to envy her." Seeing Zhou Hao's unbelievable look, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhou Hao.

   "I'm not envious of her, I'm just slightly surprised."

  (end of this chapter)

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