Chapter 3240 Who is the joke

   "Go, why don't you go? Although I don't have much money, I still have money for a meal, so you don't have to save money for me. We'll go eat Western food after buying shoes."

   "Okay." After finishing speaking, Cao Juanjuan gave Wu Li a coquettish look, and then went to buy shoes with Wu Li.

   More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the department store carrying a lot of spoils. She checked the time and it was almost noon, so she planned to go to the red house for lunch.

But she bought too many things just now, and it would be inconvenient for her to just carry these things to lunch, so she looked around and saw an alley not far away, so she quickly walked towards that Go down the alley.

  When she entered the deep part of the alley, she saw no one around, so she quickly put her things into the space, then left the alley and walked towards the red house.

  It was almost twelve o'clock when she came to the red house, but because this is the only western restaurant in Haishi, there are still many people eating after the meal time.

   But fortunately, the Red House Restaurant covers a large enough area, so she easily found a seat where no one was there, and then picked up the menu and started ordering.

  After she ordered the meal, she heard a piercing sound, so she looked towards the source of the sound, and then raised her brow unconsciously.

   "What are you looking at?" Cao Juanjuan noticed when Lu Xiaoxiao was looking at her, so she asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I didn't see anything, I just heard a harsh sound, so I glanced reflexively."

When Cao Juanjuan heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, her eyes turned red with shame and indignation, because she was the one who made the harsh voice just now, and now Lu Xiaoxiao said it clearly, obviously to see her joke, really It's horrible.

But she seems to have heard Lu Xiaoxiao order steak just now, so when Lu Xiaoxiao eats steak, she will definitely be the same as her. No, maybe Lu Xiaoxiao will be more embarrassing than her, so she doesn't need to be angry, she will go back later Enough.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao saw the excited look in Cao Juanjuan's eyes, she probably guessed what Cao Juanjuan was thinking.

  But Cao Juanjuan can only think in her heart, because what she thinks will never happen.

   After more than ten minutes, all the dishes Lu Xiaoxiao ordered were served. She looked at her order and planned to eat some salad first, and then the steak.

  But when she felt a scorching gaze staring at her, she changed her mind, picked up the knife and fork and ate gracefully.

   "How... how is it possible, how is it possible for her to eat Western food." Cao Juanjuan muttered to herself in disbelief when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao eating steak skillfully.

   "What are you talking about?" Wu Li heard Cao Juanjuan talking just after eating the steak, but because Cao Juanjuan spoke too softly, he couldn't hear clearly, so he asked Cao Juanjuan.

  Cao Juanjuan immediately came to her senses after hearing Wu Li's words, and then she asked Wu Li to turn around and look back.

  Wu Li didn't know why Cao Juanjuan asked him to look behind, but he still turned around and looked back as Cao Juanjuan said.

   "Why do you want me to watch Lu Xiaoxiao?" Wu Li glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao who was sitting behind him, and asked Cao Juanjuan.

   "Don't you think there is something wrong with Lu Xiaoxiao?"

   "No, there's something wrong with her, she looks normal."

  (end of this chapter)

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