Chapter 3243 Embarrassment

After a few minutes, Zhang Xu was reluctant to let go of the little girl, and then he asked the little girl, "Do you want to send the things to Rodster with me now, or let me deliver it to Rodster tomorrow. "

   "I'll send it there with you. I just happen to have nothing to do in the afternoon."

   "Okay, then let's go now, don't you still need to make a deal at night."

   "That's right, why did I forget such an important thing? Fortunately, you reminded me, otherwise I would be miserable tomorrow."

   "Don't worry, I will remind you when the time comes."


   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu came to Rodster's home. She saw Rodster hugging a woman sitting on the sofa and kissing, and she suddenly looked embarrassed and didn't know where to look.

   Fortunately, Zhang Xu covered her eyes with his hands when she was most embarrassed, which made her heave a sigh of relief.

   After Zhang Xu covered the little girl's eyes, he said to Rodster in an extremely displeased way: "Rodester, please restrain yourself."

   "Oh~ I'm so sorry, I didn't know you would come at this time, I'm really sorry.

  Lisa, you go back to the house first, I will find you later. "

  Lisa nodded after hearing Rodster's words, then she glanced at Zhang Xu and walked upstairs.

After Lisa left, Rodster said to Zhang Xu a little discouraged: "Xu, I didn't expect that your charm is still as great as ever. The way Lisa looked at you just now obviously fell in love with you. If you don't mind , I can give Lisa to you."

Zhang Xu's face turned black immediately after hearing Rodstead's words, and then he looked at Rodster with cold eyes and said: "Rodster, I once told you not to make such jokes with me, Otherwise we wouldn't even be friends."

   "I see, am I jealous, that's why I said those words just now, I hope you don't mind."

"I mind."

   "Okay, okay, I understand, I will never make such jokes again, but what are you doing at my house at this time?"

   "It's not that I want to come to your house, but that my sister brought you special products."

Rodster's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and then he stood up and walked to the sofa next to Lu Xiaoxiao to sit down, and asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Beautiful lady, what can you bring me?" What's delicious?"

   "Look for yourself, everything is there." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she pointed to the two large bags beside the coffee table.

   Rodster saw that Lu Xiaoxiao had brought him two big bags, he jumped up and down for joy, and then went up and put the bag on the tea table, and then opened the bag to take things out.

After he took out all the things in the two bags, he looked at Lu Xiaoxiao in disbelief and said, "Beautiful lady, can you tell me about the things you brought? Why haven't I seen many of them?" .”

   "It's not surprising that you haven't seen it, because the things I gave you are specialties from other provinces. You haven't been to those provinces, so you haven't seen them."

   "Other provinces? I really haven't been to cities other than Haishi. It seems that I have to go out more in the future if I have the opportunity, otherwise I will miss so many delicacies in the world."

  Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard Rodster's words. She didn't expect that Rodster would run around for a bite to eat.

  (end of this chapter)

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