Chapter 3247 Lu Chuan

More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the hotel room. Seeing that it was not too late, she took out a bunch of small barbecues and freshly squeezed watermelon juice from the space, and then said to Zhang Xu: "Tonight we will have skewers. .”

   "Did you bake these?" Zhang Xu looked at the big plate of brightly colored skewers in front of him and asked the little girl.

  Lu Xiaoxiao felt guilty for some reason after hearing Zhang Xu's words, because she didn't bake these skewers, but she bought them at a famous skewer shop.

But these obviously can't be said to Zhang Xu, but she doesn't want to lie to Zhang Xu, so she said to Zhang Xu: "Don't ask so many questions, you can eat some, so eat quickly, or I will eat them all in a while gone."

  After hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu knew that the little girl was changing the subject, but he didn't intend to expose it. Anyway, he already knew that the little girl had many secrets, so this one was not bad.

   More than half an hour later, when Lu Xiaoxiao drank the last sip of watermelon juice in the glass, she stood up and said to Zhang Xu, "I'm going back to my room to take a shower, and I'll leave the rest to you."

"Wait a moment."

"What's wrong?"

   "Don't rush to take a bath, rest for half an hour before washing, otherwise it will be bad for your body."

   "Got it." Lu Xiaoxiao went back to the room after finishing speaking.

The next morning at seven o'clock when Lu Xiaoxiao washed up and came to the living room, she saw Zhang Xu and the monkey eating breakfast, so she went to the sofa and found a place to sit down, and asked, "What's my breakfast?" Woolen cloth?"

   "Your breakfast is in the kitchen. The boss got up early in the morning and cooked porridge for you. Go and eat." The monkey immediately replied when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's monster.

   "Clear porridge? Why did you remember to cook clear porridge for me?"

   "You ate too much oil last night, so you'd better eat something light this morning."

   "Then why don't you drink the porridge, and let me drink it alone."

   "I am different from you, my physical fitness is better than yours."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless immediately after hearing Zhang Xu's words, because what Zhang Xu said was right, her physical fitness was indeed worse than Zhang Xu's.

  But even if she is physically weaker than Zhang Xu, she doesn't need to drink porridge. Forget it, for Zhang Xu's sake of helping her cook porridge early in the morning, she should go to the kitchen to drink porridge.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao left, the monkey approached Zhang Xu and asked Zhang Xu, "Boss, what did you eat last night?"

   "Why are you asking this?"

   "Nothing, I'll just ask, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me."


Seeing that Zhang Xu didn't intend to tell him what delicious food he and Lu Xiaoxiao ate last night, Monkey felt extremely uncomfortable, so he quickly ate the noodles in the bowl, and walked towards the kitchen with the bowl in hand .

  Zhang Xu knew what the monkey was going to do after looking at the back of the monkey leaving, but he didn't intend to stop it, because the little girl would definitely not tell the monkey about their strings, otherwise the little girl would have no way to explain the origin of those strings.

   "Why are you here?" Lu Xiaoxiao just took a few mouthfuls of porridge when she saw the monkey walk into the kitchen, so she asked the monkey.

   "I'm here to ask you what delicious food you and your boss had last night."

   "I didn't eat anything, why are you asking this? Do you want to eat what we ate last night?"

   "Well, can I?"

   "No, if you want to eat, go to the restaurant and buy it yourself." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she finished the remaining porridge in the bowl, and quickly walked out of the kitchen.

  (end of this chapter)

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