Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 3254: picking up a bargain

  Chapter 3254 Picking up a big deal

   "Didn't I tell you not to urge him?"

   "I don't want to rush, but his cooking speed is too slow. If I don't rush, he might not be able to finish the dishes by tomorrow morning."

Zhang Xu understood what was going on after listening to the monkey's words. Originally, he asked Master Zhang to cook one more table of dishes for him, which was a bit embarrassing for Master Zhang. It is inevitable to be angry, it seems that tomorrow he needs to visit the door in person, after all, Master Zhang is a person worthy of respect.

   "Put out the dishes, it's getting late." Zhang Xu said after he figured out what was going on.

  The monkey and the gray cat nodded after hearing what Zhang Xu said, and then they took out the food from the basket and put it on the tea table, and the smell of the food filled the room instantly.

   "Who made this dish? The taste is too fragrant, and the presentation is also very good."

   "It was made by a master craftsman, and I have the opportunity to introduce you."


  After dinner, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Xu and the monkey had something to talk about, so she didn't stay in the living room, and went back to sleep.

  The next morning at eight o'clock, after Lu Xiaoxiao packed her things, Zhang Xu sent her to the train station.

  More than half an hour later, the car stopped at the gate of the train station. After getting off the car, Lu Xiaoxiao took the bag Zhang Xu handed her and carried it on her back. She said to Zhang Xu, "I'm leaving, don't miss me too much."

   "Be good when you go back, don't worry me."

   "Don't worry, I don't like to cause trouble the least, so I will definitely be obedient."

   Zhang Xu smiled noncommittally after hearing the little girl's words. Although the little girl doesn't cause trouble, she can always encounter many things, so it is simply impossible for the little girl to be obedient.

  The reason why he said the words to make the little girl behave better was just to plant a seed in the little girl's heart, so that the little girl would have some scruples before doing something.

   "I'm going in, you can do your work, goodbye." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she waved to Zhang Xu and walked towards the train station.

  When she entered the train station, she saw Yu Dan and the others getting on the train, so she ran towards Yu Dan and the others quickly.

   "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, you are here." Zhou Hao saw Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao entered the train station, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao came to him.

   "Well, you guys came early enough."

   "Yes, Comrade Yu Dan said that it is better to come to the train station early, because in this way you can grab a good seat. Otherwise, if you come late, you will have to sit in someone else's seat."

   "That's true, and I really thought about it, so I really came early."

   "Then let's get in the car."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she got on the train with Zhou Hao.

  Because they came early this time, there were not many people in the carriage they were in, so they all chose the seats they liked.

  After Zhou Hao sat down in his seat, he said to Lu Xiaoxiao mysteriously: "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, guess what good things I bought at the flea market yesterday."

   "What good stuff?"

   "Watch, plum watch, I bought a 90% new plum watch for only 80 yuan yesterday, and there is no ticket. Do you think I got a big deal?"

   "It's really a bargain, much cheaper than the ones sold in the store."

  (end of this chapter)

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