Chapter 3262 Long stay

   "Probably not. If my mother found out, she would have scolded me a long time ago. It's impossible to just leave like this."

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled meaningfully at Zhang Aihua after hearing what she said. She didn't think Chen Zhenzhen didn't find the snacks.

  The reason why Chen Zhenzhen didn't criticize Zhang Aihua at this moment is probably because she was worried about her being here.

   It seems that Zhang Aihua will suffer after she leaves, why does she feel gloating.

"Xiaoxiao, don't look at me like this, it makes me feel creepy." Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao looking at her with a smile on her face, Zhang Aihua felt a chill down her back, so she immediately turned towards her. Lu Xiaoxiao said.

   "Okay, I won't look at you anymore, please put away your snacks, I guess you can eat soon."

   "Oh." After Zhang Aihua finished speaking, she quickly put the snacks into the kang cabinet.

  In order to prevent Chen Zhenzhen from discovering her snacks, she also deliberately put the snacks under her clothes, so that as long as she didn't turn over the cabinet, she would not find that there were hidden snacks in the cabinet.

  Lu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows when she saw Zhang Aihua hiding snacks, because she also hid snacks like this in her previous life. It seems that no matter what age children hide snacks, the methods are similar.

  After hiding the snacks, Zhang Aihua said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, let's go, let's go have dinner."


  At around 7 o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao did not go home immediately after leaving Zhang Aihua's house, but walked around to sit on the tree behind her house.

This evening, she checked the yard specially and found two footprints on the wall of the backyard, so she was sure that the person who entered her house rummaged into her house from the backyard, so she wanted to squat on the tree for a while Click to see if you can squat down to that person.

  After more than two hours, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that no one came, so she lost interest in squatting, so she took out the strongest version of the drug from the space and sprinkled it on the wall, and then went back to sleep.

  The next morning Lu Xiaoxiao got up and walked around the backyard. Seeing that there was no sign of outsiders visiting the backyard, she went back to the house for breakfast.

  After breakfast, she saw that it was only about half an hour before work, so she took out the clothes she bought for Zhang Yuanyuan from the space, and then went out to the food factory.

   "Xiaoxiao, you are back, I really miss you." Zhang Yuanyuan immediately threw herself on Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao entered the office.

   "I know you miss me very much, but can you let me go first, I feel like I'm about to be strangled to death by you."

  After Zhang Yuanyuan heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she immediately took her hand back from Lu Xiaoxiao's neck, and she said to Lu Xiaoxiao embarrassedly: "Xiaoxiao, I didn't mean it."

   "I know, let's go, let's go back to our seats."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao sat down, she took out the clothes from her bag and handed them to Zhang Yuanyuan, "See if you like it."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Zhang Yuanyuan took the clothes from Lu Xiaoxiao's hand, and then she opened the clothes, and saw the sea soul shirt she had missed for a long time, which made her want to hug Lu Xiaoxiao again excitedly.

  But she restrained herself this time, because she was afraid that she would be as excited as before and strangle Lu Xiaoxiao, making Lu Xiaoxiao suffer.

Seeing Zhang Yuanyuan's excited look, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that Zhang Yuanyuan liked the clothes she bought for her, so she took out the money left over from buying clothes in her onion bag and handed it to Zhang Yuanyuan, saying: "This is the money left over from buying clothes." .”

  (end of this chapter)

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