Chapter 3269 Here comes someone

   Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao returned home. She put her bag on the sofa and asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

   "I can do anything, I will eat whatever you do."

   "Okay, then go to the kitchen and help wash the vegetables."

   "No problem." After Zhang Yuanyuan finished speaking, she and Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards the kitchen together.

  When she entered the kitchen, she saw that the kitchen was the same as the living room, and all the furnishings were replaced with new ones. She asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, has your house been redecorated?"

   "No, why would you ask that?"

   "I see that many things in your living room and kitchen have been changed, so I asked you."

   "Oh, so you asked for this reason. In fact, the reason why I changed things is very simple, that is because my house was burglarized."

   "What? You said your house was burglarized, are you okay?"

   "It's okay, what can I do, besides, that thief came into my house while I was studying in Haishi."

   "Then have all the things in your house been stolen?"

   "No, nothing in my house has been stolen, it's just that the house has been turned over in a mess. I hate those things being touched by people I don't know, so I changed them all."

   "Are you sure nothing in your house has been stolen?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked incredulously after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "Yeah, nothing was stolen."

   "Then why did that thief come to your house?"

   "I don't know about this either, so I won't know until the thief is caught."

   "Oh, how do you want to catch that thief, do you want me to help?"

   "No need, I have already called the police. I believe the thief will be caught in a short time."

   "Good job, but Xiaoxiao's house is too unsafe, why don't you live with me in the dormitory these few days?"

   "No need, I'm not afraid of that thief, I'm just afraid that he won't come."

Zhang Yuanyuan gritted her teeth after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and she said to Lu Xiaoxiao firmly, "Xiaoxiao, let me stay with you at your house until the thief is caught, otherwise I don't worry. "

   "No, my force value is still good, but if I add you, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with that thief."

   "You're right, but I'm still worried about you living at home alone."

   "It's okay, I have practiced martial arts, so ordinary people are not my opponents."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Zhang Yuanyuan thought of how Lu Xiaoxiao fought with someone last time. She was really good at it, and her flustered heart immediately calmed down a little.

But she still confessed to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, although you have learned martial arts, you'd better use a table or something to cover the door when you sleep at night, so that even if that thief comes to your house again, you don't have to worry about him." will hurt you."

   "I see, thanks."

   "You're welcome, as long as your safety can be guaranteed, I'm at ease."

   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao made dinner, and after she put all the dishes on the table, she said to Zhang Yuanyuan, "Come and eat, and let's go to bed early after eating."


  After eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Yuanyuan had fallen asleep, so she took out the drug from the space and sprinkled it on Zhang Yuanyuan, then she got out of bed and walked out of the room.

  When she left the room, she said to the man standing at the stairs: "Since you are here, don't hide there, come out quickly."

   "How do you know I'm here?"

  (end of this chapter)

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