Chapter 3408 Big Purchase (1)

   "Buying furniture."

   "What do you buy furniture for?"

   "Of course I bought it and put it in the new house, otherwise how can people live in the new house." Zhang Yuanyuan said after hearing Zhou Hao's words.

   "It turns out that you went to buy furniture at noon. If I knew you would go to buy furniture at noon, I wouldn't go home for dinner."

   "It's okay, buying furniture is not a big deal, just go to it if you have something to do."

After hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, Zhou Hao felt that he couldn't help anything, and suddenly felt that he was useless, but when he thought of tonight's trade fair, he whispered to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, do you want to buy tickets or not?" Something cheap?"

   "Of course I want to, but this kind of thing can only be thought of in a dream."

   "You don't have to dream about it because you can buy something like that tonight."

   "What you said is true?"

   "Of course it's true, when did I lie to you?"

   Zhang Yuanyuan was immediately happy when she heard Zhou Hao's words, so she asked Zhou Hao, "Can I take one more person?"


   "Of course it's Xiaoxiao."

   "Yes, we will gather at the gate of the factory at 7:30 in the evening."

   Zhang Yuanyuan nodded after hearing Zhou Hao's words, and then she went to share the good news with Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing the good news Zhang Yuanyuan shared with her, Lu Xiaoxiao agreed to go to the trade fair with Zhang Yuanyuan without hesitation, because the season was about to change, and she needed to buy something for the masters.

  Although she has everything in her space, there is no way to use those things, so it is better for her to buy them now.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao packed her things at seven o'clock in the evening, she walked towards the food factory.

  When she came to the gate of the food factory, she saw Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhou Hao were already waiting there, so she said to them, "Sorry, I'm late."

   "You didn't come late, and we were just in time."

   "Yes, we just arrived." Zhou Hao quickly echoed Zhang Yuanyuan's words.

  Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing when she saw Zhou Hao's attitude of only obeying Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and then she said to Zhou Hao and Zhang Yuanyuan: "Let's go quickly."

   "Okay." Zhou Hao nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then led Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan towards the venue of the trade fair.

   They arrived at the trade fair more than forty minutes later. Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the lively scene in front of her and asked Zhou Hao, "Who organized this trade fair? You must be too courageous."

   "I don't know who held it specifically, but it is said that the beginning is very big. I also heard a big person mention this, so I know that a trade fair will be held here every month."

  Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help clicking her tongue after hearing Zhou Hao's words, and then she couldn't help but sighed in her heart: This world really supports the bold and the timid to starve to death.

   "Xiaoxiao, I saw a booth selling fabrics over there, let's go and have a look." Zhang Yuanyuan immediately said to Lu Xiaoxiao after seeing the booth selling fabrics.

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and then walked towards the booth with Zhang Yuanyuan.

  When they came to the booth, they couldn't help but click their tongues when they saw the fabrics on the booth, because this booth sold more fabrics than they saw in department stores.

   "What kind of fabric do you want to buy?" The stall owner asked Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan staring at the fabric without saying a word.

  (end of this chapter)

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