Chapter 3425 Saving people

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Gray Cat and the others quickly dropped the ax in their hands, and then used their internal force to quickly back away.

  Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when the gray cat and the others exited the area covered by the tree's canopy. Then she took out a dagger from the space and rushed towards the tree.

   "Master Xiao..." Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao rushing towards the tree, the gray cat immediately yelled at Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Stop shouting, gray cat, Mr. Xiao is measured, so she will be fine." Seeing the gray cat's worried look, the monkey hurriedly said to the gray cat.

   "I know Master Xiao has a sense of propriety, but that tree is not a human being, it is full of unknown dangers, even the boss is no match for it, are you sure Master Xiao can handle it?"

   "It should be possible." The monkey said without confidence.

   "Yes, yes, you ghost, if Master Xiao disappears like the boss, I'll see what you will do."

   "Bah, bah, shut your crow's mouth quickly, Master Xiao is lucky, so he won't do what you said."

  After hearing what the monkey said, the gray cat didn't want to pay attention to the monkey anymore, so he turned his head and looked at Lu Xiaoxiao directly.

   Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao withdrew from the area covered by the tree, and then she said to Gray Cat and the others: "Zhang Xu is inside that tree, I'm going to rescue Zhang Xu."

   "What? The boss is in that tree, Master Xiao, are you mistaken?" Monkey asked in disbelief after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "No, that tree has been cultivated to become a spirit. It took me a lot of effort just now to confirm that Zhang Xu is inside the tree."

   "We will go with you to save the boss."

   "Yes, we're going with you."

   "I don't agree." Lu Xiaoxiao refused after hearing what Gray Cat and the others said.


   "Because your cultivation base is too low, not only can't help you if you go there, but it will hold me back."

  The gray cat clenched its fists after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and it took a while before he said, "I'll leave it to you, Boss."

   "Don't worry, I will definitely rescue Zhang Xu, you are waiting here for my return." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she showed a comforting smile to the gray cat and the others, and then she turned and walked towards the tree.

  When she walked to the front of the tree trunk, she covered the tree trunk with her hands, and then said to the tree: "Send me into your body, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the tree spirit thought of the violent methods Lu Xiaoxiao used to deal with it just now, its canopy couldn't help shaking, and then it immediately sent Lu Xiaoxiao into its body.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao entered the tree's body, she saw that there was a space inside the tree's body. Although this space was not as good as that of the tree of life, it was not bad.

Wait a minute, since this tree has space, it means that Zhang Xu is fine, so she just needs to find Zhang Xu, which made Lu Xiaoxiao heave a sigh of relief, so she began to look for Zhang Xu in the space. Asahi.

   After more than an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao not only failed to find Zhang Xu, she didn't even see a living thing. Could it be that this space cannot allow living things to survive?

   No, if this space cannot allow living things to survive, then how could she stay in this space for so long?

  Lu Xiaoxiao thought for a while and finally let her think of a possibility, that is, she is now trapped by the formation.

  (end of this chapter)

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