Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 3430: finally came out (2)

  Chapter 3430 is finally out (2)

  Looking at the box that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Lu Xiaoxiao picked it up immediately, and then she looked at Zhang Xu

  When she saw Zhang Xu nodded to her, she opened the box, and then she saw a bottle of green liquid in the box, so she asked the tree demon, "What is this? Why does it look like poison?"

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the dryad shook all the leaves on the canopy to the ground. It has never seen anyone with less vision than Lu Xiaoxiao. Obviously, what it gave Lu Xiaoxiao was what it could condense in a hundred years. The essence of life, but Lu Xiaoxiao said it was poison, it was really mad at it.

"Hey, I don't want this thing, you can change it for me." After Lu Xiaoxiao studied what the tree demon gave her for a while, she couldn't see what the tree demon gave her, so she went to the tree demon way.

   "You... you have no vision, I gave you something that can save your life, but you don't want it, then you give it back to me."

  Lu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes after hearing what the tree demon said, and then she said to the tree demon, "Are you sure this is a life-saving thing?"

   "Of course, as long as you still have breath, the life essence I gave you will be able to save you and bring your body back to life."


   "Oh? You don't believe me? If you don't believe it, you can experience it yourself."

   "Heh..., experience it for yourself? Do you think I'm a mindless idiot?"

   "Then what exactly do you want?" The tree demon lost his temper after being teased by Lu Xiaoxiao, so it asked Lu Xiaoxiao in a daze.

   "I don't want to do anything, I just feel that you have less things, after all, there is more than one person in your space."

   "You... do you know how precious the essence of life is? I can only condense such a small bottle in a hundred years."

   "Well, I already know this. You told me just now, but you are a thousand-year dryad. Would you be short of that bottle of life essence?"

   "What do you mean I am not short of that bottle of life essence, do you think that anyone can condense the life essence, it must be condensed by the ten thousand year tree demon.

  So I’ve only condensed three bottles so far. I’m dying of heartache if I give you one bottle. If I give you another bottle, you might as well just blow me up. "

   "Oh, then I'll blow you up, just to see if you can save yourself."

  The Dryad stopped eating immediately after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then it immediately gave Lu Xiaoxiao a bottle of life essence, because it was afraid that Lu Xiaoxiao would bombard it again.

  Although the level of bombing would not kill it, it would still be enough for it to drink a pot, so in order not to make itself suffer, it is better to send this living Hades away.

   Otherwise, it is afraid that today will be its own death day next year.

  Seeing the dryad obediently giving up a bottle of life essence, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately picked up the life essence and stuffed it into Zhang Xu's arms, then said to the dryad, "Send us out."

  The dryad was so excited when he heard what Lu Xiaoxiao said, so he quickly opened the passage and sent Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu away.

   "Boss, Master Xiao, you finally came out." Monkey said excitedly when he looked at Zhang Xu and Lu Xiaoxiao.

   Zhang Xu asked the monkey after hearing what the monkey said: "What's the date today?"

   "Number Eight."

   "Number Eight? Are you sure."

   "Of course, I check the time every day."

  (end of this chapter)

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