Chapter 3457 Convinced orally

   "Xiaoxiao, was the operation successful?" Zhang Meimei asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the operating room.

   "Successful, but your dad still has a dangerous period, as long as your dad can get through tonight safely, then he is not in danger."

   "Thank you Xiaoxiao."

   "You're welcome, I'll go back first, you go and take care of your dad."

   "My dad is taken care of by my sixth uncle, I will send you back, otherwise I don't worry."

  After hearing Zhang Meimei's words, Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Meimei's unrefusable expression, so she nodded in agreement.

   "Wait a minute." When Ke Le came out of the operating room, he saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was about to leave, so he immediately yelled at Lu Xiaoxiao.

   When Zhang Meimei heard that Ke Le was called Lu Xiaoxiao, she asked Ke Le, "Doctor Ke, what can I do for you?"

   "I want to get to know the lady next to you, and I would like to ask Miss Zhang to introduce you."

   "Sorry, my friend doesn't want anyone to know who she is."

   "Can... but I...."

   "Meimei, ask him to wait for me in the reception room." Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Ke Le was not malicious, and Ke Le's professionalism was very high, which she admired, so she said to Zhang Meimei.

  Zhang Meimei nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then walked towards the lounge with Ke Le.

  After Zhang Meimei and Ke Le left, Lu Xiaoxiao quickly took off the sterile clothes in the bathroom, and then walked out of the bathroom to the lounge.

  When she came to the lounge, she saw a young man in his twenties sitting in the lounge with a restrained expression on his face. It was obvious that this young man was Ke Le.

  So she walked to Ke Le and sat down, then said to Ke Le, "Hi, my name is Lu Xiaoxiao."

   "Hello Miss Lu, my name is Ke Le, nice to meet you." Ke Le stood up immediately after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I know your name, but I don't know what you want from me?"

   "I just want to ask how you managed to stop the bleeding with silver needles?"

   "Sorry, I have no way to answer you, because this is something left by the ancestors."

   "I see, but I want to ask you one more thing."

"What's up?"

   "Can you accept me as an apprentice, I want to learn acupuncture, so that I can save more people in the future."

   "Sorry, I don't plan to accept apprentices at the moment."

   "Then when do you plan to accept disciples?"

   "I don't know, maybe five years later, maybe ten years later."

  Ke Le's heart turned cold when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, because he knew that the sooner he learned acupuncture, the better, so he was basically hopeless.

Seeing Ke Le's disappointed look, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't say a word, because she never thought of accepting people from outside her country as apprentices. After all, acupuncture and moxibustion belonged to their country, and she didn't want to let it out no matter what. .

  Seeing that the matter between Lu Xiaoxiao and Ke Le was finished, Zhang Meimei stood up and said to Ke Le, "Doctor Ke, we'll leave first if we don't have anything to do."


   Half an hour later, Zhang Meimei took Lu Xiaoxiaorong back to the hotel, and then she said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, take a good rest, and I will come see you tomorrow."

   "No, you can take good care of your father in the hospital. I have nothing to do, but I am a little tired. Just rest for a while."

   "I see, then I will come to you in a few days."

   "Okay, pay attention to safety when you go back, and be careful in everything, don't be fooled by others."

"I see."

  (end of this chapter)

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