Chapter 3600 Expulsion

  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned home with Monkey and Zhang Yuanyuan, she asked Monkey, "Why did you go to the food factory?"

   "I was going to pick you up from get off work, but I waited at the gate of the food factory for a long time and didn't see you, so I went into the food factory to find you.

   Fortunately, I went in today, otherwise you would not know what it would be like to be bullied. "

  Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but chuckle in her heart when she heard Houzi's words. She dared to bet a pack of spicy strips that Houzi definitely didn't say this to her, but to Zhang Yuanyuan.

  Because her strength value monkeys can't understand, so how could she be bullied.

  But she didn't intend to expose what the monkey said, because what the monkey said was indeed nothing wrong with Zhang Yuanyuan. If that was the case, why would she be a villain.

  I only hope that the monkey can always treat Zhang Yuanyuan well, because Zhang Yuanyuan is really a good girl and should not be hurt.

   A few minutes later, when Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Yuanyuan and the monkey finished having sex, she asked the monkey, "Have you made lunch yet?"

   "I cooked the rice, and the food was bought in a state-run restaurant."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing the monkey's words, and then said: "Don't buy vegetables in state-run restaurants in the future, and cook at home, otherwise your little allowance is not enough and you will be exhausted in a few days."

  Hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Hou Zi smiled awkwardly. Although his allowance would not be exhausted in a few days, if he ate at a state-run restaurant every day, his little allowance would not be enough.

  So he nodded to Lu Xiaoxiao, expressing that he would not go to state-run restaurants to buy ready-made dishes.

  Lu Xiaoxiao is very satisfied with Houzi's answer. If Houzi were a person, he would spend money as he likes, but now Houzi and Zhang Yuanyuan are together.

  So she can no longer take advantage of the monkey, because Zhang Yuanyuan also has a share in it.

   What's more, she knew that Houzi's previous allowance had been sent back to his hometown, and he hadn't saved any money at all. Later, Houzi followed them to buy a small house in Beijing, and he owed Zhang Xu a lot of money.

  So Houzi is now in debt, so she can't watch him spend money recklessly. After all, Houzi will marry Zhang Yuanyuan in the future, and the property and debt will be shared.

  She doesn't want to see Zhang Yuanyuan get debts as soon as she gets married, that would be too miserable.

  At 1:30 in the afternoon, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan arrived at the food factory under the **** of the monkey.

  Because what happened at noon was seen by many people, many people in the factory looked at Zhang Yuanyuan, which made Lu Xiaoxiao frown involuntarily.

  Just as she was thinking about how to enlighten Zhang Yuanyuan, she saw Zhang Yuanyuan looking towards her, so she asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "What's wrong?"

   "Xiaoxiao, why are you frowning?"

   "Nothing, let's go to the office."

   "No, let them watch if they want. I haven't done anything wrong, so I'm not afraid of them watching."

  After hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Yuanyuan's face. When she saw the indifferent expression on Zhang Yuanyuan's face, she knew that Zhang Yuanyuan was really not there at all.

   This reassured her.

  So she and Zhang Yuanyuan talked and walked slowly towards the office.

   He didn't take those people's sights and comments to heart at all.

  (end of this chapter)

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