Chapter 3640 Grain in hand

   Xu Jiayin's pupils shrank when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He didn't expect that Lu Xiaoxiao would know so much. It seems that Lu Xiaoxiao can't stay.

  Just as he was about to attack Lu Xiaoxiao, he saw Lu Xiaoxiao pick up a fist-sized stone from the ground, and then saw that stone turned into powder in Lu Xiaoxiao's hands, floating in the air.

   Immediately, he stopped thinking about doing something to Lu Xiaoxiao, because his bones are much more fragile than stones, and he doesn't want to be turned into powder and scattered in the air like that stone.

  Seeing that the killing intent in Xu Jiayin's eyes receded, leaving only deep fear, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but sneered, then took out a piece of paper from her bag and handed it to Xu Jiayin.

  After Xu Jiayin took the paper that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, he read the content on the paper, and his pupils shrank involuntarily.

   Then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "The contract you gave is the Overlord's contract, which is not beneficial to me at all. It is impossible for me to sign such a contract."

   "Oh, you have to sign if you don't want to, otherwise I can't guarantee that you can leave safely."

   "伱...what are you going to do to me?"

   "I don't plan to do anything to you, but I plan to do what you plan to do to me."

   " could you know what to do to you too."

   "If you want to be unknown, unless you do nothing, I'm in a hurry, so hurry up and sign the contract."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Xu Jiayin looked at the people under him, and immediately gave up struggling, picked up a pen and signed his name on the contract.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the contract from Xu Jiayin, she looked at the name Xu Jiayin signed. Seeing that there was no problem, she stuffed the contract into her bag and walked towards the car.

   "Why did it take you so long to come up?" Xiao Fang asked Lu Xiaoxiao after Lu Xiaoxiao got in the car.

   "Talked about a deal with Xu Jiayin."

   "What deal?"

   "Look for yourself." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao took out the contract from her bag and handed it to Xiao Fang.

   Then she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

"This..." Xiao Fang was so excited after reading the contract, he was about to ask Lu Xiaoxiao if the contract was valid, when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao sleeping, he immediately swallowed back the words that came to his mouth in stomach.

   Li Zhiping saw that Xiao Fang stopped talking halfway, so he asked Xiao Fang: "Xiao Fang, why did you stop talking halfway?"

   "Lu Xiaoxiao fell asleep, find a place to park the car, I have something to show you."

  Li Zhiping nodded after hearing Xiao Fang's words, then he accelerated the horsepower and drove the car out of the urban area, and then found a relatively spacious place to stop the car.

   Then he said to Xiaofang, "Get out of the car."

  Xiao Fang looked at Lu Xiaoxiao after hearing what Li Zhiping said, and when he saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was still sleeping, he opened the car door and jumped out of the car.

   "What do you want to show me?" Li Zhiping asked Xiao Fang after Xiao Fang got off the car.

  After hearing what Li Zhiping said, Xiao Fang handed over the contract in his hand to Li Zhiping, and then said, "Look for yourself."

   After two or three minutes, Li Zhiping read the contents of the contract, and then asked Xiaofang with a trembling voice: "Is this contract real?"

   "I don't know, I wanted to ask Lu Xiaoxiao just now, but I saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was sleeping, so I didn't ask.

  But I don't think Lu Xiaoxiao would joke about this kind of thing, so I think this contract is real. "

  Li Zhiping thought about it after hearing Xiao Fang's words, so he asked Xiao Fang to keep the contract, got in the car and continued on his way.

  (end of this chapter)

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