Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 3644: accidental breakthrough

  Chapter 3644 Unexpected breakthrough

   "Xiaoxiao, you want to treat guests to dinner." Seeing the joyful expression on Lu Xiaoxiao's face, Zhang Yuanyuan said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Okay, what would you like to eat?"

   "Roast chicken, on that stove in your yard."

   "No problem, but making roast chicken is time-consuming, so I can only do it on weekends."

   "Okay, then I'll go to your house to eat roast chicken this weekend."

   "No problem, I will call Ah Hua when the time comes, there will be so many people."


  After eleven o’clock at noon, Bian Lili packed up her things and prepared to go home from get off work, but when she walked out of the office, she saw heavy snow falling, and immediately she stopped thinking about going home

   Instead, he went back to the office to pick up the lunch box and walked towards the cafeteria.

"Xiaoxiao, didn't you say you went home for lunch? Why did you come to the cafeteria again?" Zhang Yuanyuan saw Lu Xiaoxiao walking towards her with a lunch box, so she asked Lu Xiaoxiao road.

   "It's snowing heavily, so I won't go back."

   "Then you go to cook, I will take a seat."


  After seven or eight minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao finished cooking, and she saw Zhang Yuanyuan waving to her not far away, so she walked towards Zhang Yuanyuan.

  When she sat across from Zhang Yuanyuan, she saw that Zhang Yuanyuan's rice didn't even move.

  She asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, why don't you eat?"

   "I'm waiting for you to eat together."

   "Don't do this next time, eating cold rice is not good for your stomach."

   "I see, let's eat quickly."


  It was past three o'clock in the afternoon, and Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the snow was getting bigger and bigger, and she had no intention of stopping at all.

  So she asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, it's snowing so hard, will our factory stop working?"

   "No, I remember that the snowfall in the past few years was heavier than today, and there was no holiday in the factory at that time."

  After listening to Zhang Yuanyuan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao stopped cooking immediately, because she didn't want to come to work at all because of the heavy snowfall, she just wanted to lie in bed and sleep.

   "Xiaoxiao, don't you want to come to work?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw that Lu Xiaoxiao looked listless after she finished speaking.

   "Yeah, do you want to come to work?"

   "I don't want to, but in order to support myself, I will come back to work even if I don't want to.

  Besides, our department works a little harder at certain times, and has nothing to do at other times, so I think it’s okay to come to work. "

  Lu Xiaoxiao thought about it after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, but she still didn't really want to come to work.

   Fortunately, tomorrow is Friday, and the day after tomorrow she can lie down at home instead of coming to work.

  After five o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao packed up her things and said to Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, I'll go home first, and you should go home soon, otherwise it will be difficult to go home after dark."

   "I see, when you go home, walk slowly, the road will be slippery under heavy snow."

   "I see, see you tomorrow." Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the office after finishing speaking.

   Half an hour later, when Lu Xiaoxiao returned home, the first thing she did was to turn on the floor heating at home, and then she went to change clothes and cook.

  After she finished the meal, she saw that the sky outside the house had completely darkened, and she didn't know how the masters were doing now. I hope that the things she sent them would keep them from freezing.

   No, she still decided to go to Tianshui Village tomorrow to see how Master and the others are doing, otherwise she can't rest assured.

  (end of this chapter)

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