Chapter 3656 Blizzard

   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao sorted out the New Year ceremony, and she put the age in the space, then stood up and walked to the window, and looked out of the window.

  Seeing that the sky has started to snow heavily, looking at the speed and density of the snow, it is certain that it is a heavy snow.

  I just hope that the snow will not fall for too long, otherwise it will cause a snow disaster, and I don’t know how many people will suffer.

After seven o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao heard the voice of waiting for a passport from outside the house, and then looked at the lights that were blacked out due to a power outage. She decided to go to the space to sleep tonight, otherwise she would definitely be confused by the sound of the wind blowing. Can't sleep.

  The next morning at seven o'clock in the morning, the first thing Bian Lili did after waking up was to go out of the space to see if the snow had stopped.

  When she got out of the space and opened the window to look out, she saw a vast expanse of white and white, and there was still heavy snow falling in the sky.

  She stretched out her hand and took a snowflake in her palm. When the snowflakes melted in her palm, she felt a cold palm, so she sighed, took her hand back, and closed the window again.

   Then she went into the bathroom to wash up.

  After she washed up, she saw that it was almost time for work, so she changed into a pure black down jacket and rushed to the food factory.

  When she entered the office, she found that everyone in the office was rubbing their hands and stomping their feet to drink boiled water. The scene was a bit funny.

  So she held back a smile and walked towards her seat.

   "Xiaoxiao, you are here, did you know that there was a power outage last night?"

   "Yeah, I went to bed early yesterday, so I went straight to bed when the power went out."

   "Me too, I packed up my things when I got home yesterday, and went straight to bed, so the power outage yesterday didn't affect me much.

   It’s just that the snow will stop until it falls. If it continues like this, I will definitely be frozen to death. "

   "It's not that exaggerated, today is only a few degrees colder than yesterday."

After Zhang Yuanyuan heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao incredulously, and then she reached out and touched Lu Xiaoxiao's hand. Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao's hand was as big as a small stove, she understood Lu Xiaoxiao Why would Shino say something like that?

  Emotional Lu Xiaoxiao is not afraid of the cold at all, it is so enviable and jealous.

   But her envy is nothing but envy, but she wants to know why Lu Xiaoxiao is not afraid of the cold.

  So she asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, why are you not afraid of the cold?"

   "Of course it's because I'm wearing cotton clothes."

   "But I also wear cotton clothes."

   "Our padded clothes are different. If you don't believe me, just touch my padded clothes and you will know."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Zhang Yuanyuan stood up and walked towards Lu Xiaoxiao. When she came to Lu Xiaoxiao's side, she reached out and touched the clothes Lu Xiaoxiao was wearing.

   Immediately, she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with disbelief.

   After a while, she asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, what's the matter with your clothes, how can they be so soft."

   "I don't know about this either, these are clothes I bought in Haishi, imported products."

   "No wonder, I just said how your padded clothes can be so soft and so warm. It turns out that they are imported products, so it's not surprising."

   "Have you ever bought imported products?"

   "No, but I heard from others that many people say that imported products are better than our domestic products, and now I believe it."

   "In fact, not all imported products are good things, and I have bought bad ones."

  (end of this chapter)

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