Chapter 3667 Benefits

   "That's really great, so I can save a lot of money, I don't know what happened to the food factory this year, it's so generous."

   "Maybe it's benefits. Well, our procurement department has purchased raw materials several times this year."

  After Zhang Yuanyuan heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she also felt that it should be because of this, and she immediately looked forward to the distribution of benefits even more.

  At 1:30 in the afternoon, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan were about to go to the finance department to queue up to receive benefits, but before they left the office, they saw several people walking into the office.

  So Lu Xiaoxiao asked them: "What do you guys want to do in the Purchasing Department?"

   "You two are from the purchasing department?"


   "That's really great. You two should follow me to the finance department. We don't have enough people in the finance department. We need to borrow two people from your purchasing department. We have already reported this matter and got approval from our superiors."

  Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan were a little speechless after hearing the words of the comrades in the finance department. If they had known that they would not be in the purchasing department at noon today, they would not be arrested.

   But it is useless to regret now, so they can only follow the people from the finance department to the finance department.

   "Comrade, what are your names?" Zhang Xiangxiang asked the two people behind her.

   "My name is Lu Xiaoxiao, and her name is Zhang Yuanyuan." After hearing what Zhang Xiangxiang said, Lu Xiaoxiao told her the names of her and Zhang Yuanyuan.

"Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, Comrade Zhang Yuanyuan, hello, my name is Zhang Xiangxiang, and I am the person in charge of the welfare distribution. The person walking on my left is Wang Dali, and the two walking on my right are Liu Xiaomei and Wang Fang. "

  After hearing Zhang Xiangxiang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan greeted Wang Dali, Liu Xiaomei, and Wang Fang respectively, and then asked them about the process and precautions for distributing benefits.

  After they finished asking the questions they wanted, the finance department arrived, so she and Zhang Yuanyuan followed Zhang Xiangxiang's arrangement and walked to stand in front of the welfare items.

  After more than ten minutes, it was time for the distribution of benefits. Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the long queue, she sighed deeply, and then began to distribute benefits to everyone who had registered.

   More than two hours later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the line was still very long, and there were only a few welfare items left behind her, which were not enough to distribute to those people at all.

  So she said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, we don't have enough welfare items. I'll go to Zhang Xiangxiang, and you can help me out."

   "No problem, you can go."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and then she walked towards Zhang Xiangxiang who registered her name.

  When she came to Zhang Xiangxiang, she said to Zhang Xiangxiang: "Comrade Zhang Xiangxiang, the welfare products are almost finished, what should I do next."

   "I will ask Wang Dali to go to the warehouse with you to bring the remaining welfare products here." After Zhang Xiangxiang finished speaking, he asked Wang Dali to come over, and then asked Wang Dali to take Lu Xiaoxiao to the warehouse to carry the welfare products.

Seven or eight minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao and Wang Dali came to the warehouse where the supplies were stored. Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the welfare goods piled up like a hill in front of her, and asked Wang Dali: "Comrade Wang Dali, how do we transport these welfare goods?" To the finance department?"

   "I have already called someone, they will move us and transport the welfare products to the finance department, but we have to count the quantity before the welfare products are shipped out of the warehouse."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Wang Dali's words, and then she and Wang Dali waited in the warehouse for the arrival of the transporter.

  (end of this chapter)

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