Chapter 3675 Reason (1)


  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Chen Ming asked Lu Xiaoxiao familiarly: "Sister Xiaoxiao, you just came home from a long trip?"

   "No, I went to the countryside a few years ago, and this time I returned to Beijing to celebrate the New Year in Beijing."

   "What? You actually stayed in the country, why didn't Zhang Xu get you into the city?"

   "It's because I don't want to go back to the city."

   "Why? Isn't it bad in the city?"

   "It's not bad, it's just that I like quiet days, so it's good to live in the country."

  Chen Ming looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with a strange expression after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, because he had lived in the country for a few days and knew what the country was like.

  He thinks that no one who has lived in the city would want to go back to the countryside, so what exactly does Lu Xiaoxiao think, that life in the country is good.

  Just as he was still about to ask Lu Xiaoxiao something, she saw Wu Xiaoling enter the compartment with a lunch box, and he immediately swallowed the words that came out of his mouth, and returned to his previous high-cold look.

  Wu Xiaoling saw that Chen Ming was still smiling before she entered the carriage, but after she entered the carriage, he immediately withdrew his smile, which made her feel particularly embarrassed.

   But even if she feels embarrassed, she still has to control her temper, because she is nothing now, and she doesn't know what kind of person Chen Ming's mother is and how good she is to her.

  So now she has no capital and no qualification to ask Chen Ming to do anything.

  So she took a deep breath, put the lunch box in front of Chen Ming with a smile, and said to Chen Ming: "Brother Ming, there are not many dishes on the train, so I bought you a set of braised pork and tofu stewed cabbage."

   "Thank you." After Chen Ming finished speaking, he took the lunch box from Wu Xiaoling, then opened the lunch box and ate directly, ignoring Wu Xiaoling who was standing aside.

  Wu Xiaoling saw that Chen Ming's attitude towards her was getting colder and colder, so she gave Lu Xiaoxiao a hard look, then sat down half a meter away from Chen Ming, and watched Chen Ming eat lunch.

   It wasn't until Chen Ming finished his lunch that she opened her lunch box and ate lunch quickly.

  After she finished her lunch, she consciously picked up Chen Ming and her lunch box, and walked out of the carriage.

   "Sister Xiaoxiao, do you think I'm particularly unreasonable?"

   "Why are you asking me that?"

   "Because many people thought that I was too ruthless to Wu Xiaoling, so I just want to hear Xiaoxiao's opinion of me."



   "The eyes are the windows to the soul, and Wu Xiaoling's eyes are full of calculations, so she is not someone who can be liked.

   So it's no surprise you don't like her. "

Chen Ming laughed loudly when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and he said after he had laughed enough: "Sister Xiaoxiao, I finally understand why Zhang Xu recognized you as his sister, if I were, I would also recognize you Be a girl."

   "You have no chance.

   "I know, I don't dare to rob my sister with Zhang Xu, otherwise I won't be peeling off. Isn't it easy? By the way, do you want to hear about the matter between me and Wu Xiaoling?"

   "People are coming back, you better stop talking."

  Chen Ming shut his mouth immediately after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then propped his head on his hands and looked towards the door of the carriage, just in time to see Wu Xiaoling walking into the carriage with a lunch box.

  So he asked Wu Xiaoling, "Can you get me a pot of water?"

   "Okay, I'll go right away." After Wu Xiaoling finished speaking, she took the kettle out of the car.

  (end of this chapter)

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