Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 3694: Sauerkraut Rice Jelly

  Chapter 3694 Sauerkraut Rice Jelly

  After the little girl left, Zhang Xu said to the four people lying on the ground: "Not yet."

   "Boss, Master Xiao is too ruthless, we can't get up."

   "That's right, then I'll call the person back for you."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, the four monkeys immediately stood up like a carp, got up from the ground, and then flattered Zhang Xu: "Boss, we were joking just now, don't take it seriously."

   Zhang Xu snorted coldly after hearing the words of the four monkeys, and then said: "Go and make arrangements, I will give you three days off."

   "Boss, is what you said true?" The four monkeys asked in disbelief after hearing Zhang Xu's words.

   "Why, don't you want to take a vacation?"

"I think, we always want to have a holiday in our dreams, but we didn't expect happiness to come so unexpectedly. Let's go and arrange things for the next three days." After the four monkeys finished speaking, they immediately walked towards the office building. while running.

   Zhang Xu walked towards the dormitory after the monkeys and the others left. After training for several hours in the morning, the clothes on his back were already wet, so he planned to take a shower first.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan came to the cafeteria, they saw Ke Baiwei coming out of the kitchen with a pot of food, so she asked Ke Baiwei, "Uncle Ke, what's delicious for breakfast?"

   "Sauerkraut boiled rice jelly."

   "Rice jelly? What is that?"

   "A kind of food in my hometown. Every year on the morning of the first day of the new year, we eat boiled rice jelly with sauerkraut."

  After hearing what Ke Baiwei said, Lu Xiaoxiao directly pulled Zhang Yuanyuan to sit down at the dining table, and then said to Ke Baiwei, "Uncle Ke, we have never eaten rice jelly, please give me and Yuanyuan a bowl each."

"Okay, I'll serve it to you now. Let me tell you, the rice jelly in my hometown is really delicious. If I don't dislike the trouble of making it, I will definitely make it and eat it often." Ke Baiwei heard Lu Xiaoxiao After speaking, he opened his mouth and said while serving rice jelly to Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan.

"That's right, then Yuanyuan and I should have a good taste." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she reached out to take Ke Baiwei and handed her the rice jelly, then picked up a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of rice jelly and sent it to the restaurant. mouth.

   "Mmm, this rice jelly is so delicious, Yuanyuan, eat it quickly." After Lu Xiaoxiao ate the rice jelly in her mouth, she said to Zhang Yuanyuan.

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Zhang Yuanyuan picked up a spoon and took a bite of the rice jelly. It was exactly as Lu Xiaoxiao said, delicious and very appetizing.

  Ke Baiwei was very happy to see Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan eating so happily, so he also served himself a bowl of rice jelly, and ate rice jelly with Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan.

After they finished eating the rice jelly, she saw Zhang Xu and the others walk into the house, so she said to them: "Zhang Xu, come over quickly for breakfast, the rice jelly made by Uncle Ke is very delicious, I can't wait to eat it." I ate two bowls."

   Zhang Xu nodded after hearing what the little girl said, then he walked towards the little girl and sat down next to the little girl.

  After Zhang Xu sat down beside her, Lu Xiaoxiao picked up a spoon to serve Zhang Xu a bowl of porridge, and then said to Zhang Xu, "Eat, I have something to discuss with you after eating."

   Zhang Xu nodded after hearing what the little girl said, and then he picked up a spoon to eat rice jelly.

  After he finished eating the rice jelly, he said to the little girl, "Tell me, what do you want?"

   "Have you stopped eating?"

   "Well, I'm full."

  (end of this chapter)

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