Chapter 3925 divided into

  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the factory director's office. She saw Chen Dong sitting at the desk eating, so she found a seat for herself and took out a comic book from her bag to pass the time.

   "Why do you come here when you have time?" Chen Dong asked Lu Xiaoxiao after swallowing the food in his mouth.

   "You eat first, and we'll talk after the meal."


   "Because I'm afraid you won't be able to eat after the chat."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Chen Dong immediately speeded up his eating speed, because judging from his understanding of Lu Xiaoxiao, he really might not be able to eat after chatting with Lu Xiaoxiao.

  So in order not to waste food, he should eat it quickly.

   A few minutes later, Chen Dong had lunch. After wiping his mouth clean with a handkerchief, he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, what do you want to talk to me about?"

   "Of course it's about sharing. I've already overfulfilled the task. It's time for you to fulfill your promise."

  Chen Dong felt flustered when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. Fortunately, he had already eaten his meal, otherwise he would really not be in the mood to eat for a while.

   "What? Uncle Dongzi wants to go back on his word?" Seeing that Chen Dong hadn't spoken for a long time, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Chen Dong.

   "Do you allow me to go back on my word?"

   "A fool will allow it. I have worked so hard to run away for so many days. If you don't give me a share, then I am not running in vain."

   "How can you run for nothing, can't you still get a commission?"

After hearing Chen Dong's words, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but gave Chen Dong a supercilious look, and then said: "I don't like the commission, if you don't give me the commission according to the agreement, then don't let me do anything about the factory anymore." Director Li is looking for me."

   " know everything?"

   "Hehe... If you hadn't instructed Director Li secretly, he wouldn't have asked me to do business at all, because he didn't have a good impression of me at first.

  The other thing is that the director of the procurement department doesn't have that much power. If you didn't instigate him secretly, then he wouldn't have the guts to open so many back doors for me. "

  Chen Dong gave Lu Xiaoxiao a thumbs up after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. At first he thought his plan was perfect, but he didn't expect that Lu Xiaoxiao would have noticed it a long time ago.

  It seems that he has to give away the 10% today, otherwise it will be difficult for him to ask Lu Xiaoxiao to help him in the future.

  After thinking it over, Chen Dong asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "How much is the profit of the first floor?"

  After hearing what Chen Dong said, Lu Xiaoxiao quickly calculated in her heart. The cost of a bottle of canned meat is three yuan and twenty cents, and the profit of that bottle of canned meat is sixty cents.

  The factory sold a total of 13,000 canned meat this time, so the total profit was 7,800 yuan, and 10% of the profit was 780 yuan.

   That means she can get seven hundred and eighty yuan this time.

  After the calculation was clear, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Chen Dong: "10% profit is 780 yuan."

  Chen Dong couldn't help but gasped when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao say the number. Although he knew that the first floor had a lot of profit, he didn't expect it to be so much.

  However, compared with the total profit, their factory still doubled the profit, so although he gave the 780 yuan to his heart, he was willing to give it. Who made Lu Xiaoxiao capable.

  So he got up and walked to the safe to open it, and then took out 780 yuan from it and handed it to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  (end of this chapter)

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