Chapter 3934 The place is fixed

   "What if I can solve the water diversion problem?"

   "Then there is no problem."

After hearing Chen Dong's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the open space again, and felt that this place is really good for building a branch factory, so she said to Chen Dong: "Uncle Dongzi, let's go see the village chief first. If the village head is of good character, then we will set up a branch factory in Darong Village."


   More than ten minutes later, Chen Dong took Lu Xiaoxiao to the village chief's house. Seeing that the village chief was not at home, he took Lu Xiaoxiao to the field again.

  When he came to the field, he saw the village chief directing the members to work not far away.

  So he walked up to the village chief and said to the village chief, "Hello, village chief Wu, do you have time now?"

  Wu Dayong looked at Chen Dong after hearing what Chen Dong said, and then asked Chen Dong: "What do you want from me?"

   "I want to discuss with you about getting a piece of land."

   "Haven't you already decided not to build a factory in our village? So what's so good about that land?"

Chen Dong laughed awkwardly when he heard Wu Dayong's words, and then said bravely: "At first, we gave up building a factory in Darong Village because of the water source problem, but now we think of a solution, so we want to continue Check out that field.

   If there is no problem, then our factory will build a branch factory in your village. "

  Wu Dayong's hands trembled involuntarily after hearing Chen Dong's words, but he was only excited, and he hadn't forgotten his identity as the village chief.

  So he said to Chen Dong: "I'll take you there to see it."

   "Thank you village chief."

   "You're welcome, if your factory can establish a branch factory in our village, it will be a great thing for the people in our village, so as long as you need my place in the future, feel free to ask."

After hearing Wu Dayong's words, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but look at Wu Dayong. It seems that the village head of Darong Village is indeed very good. At least he didn't embarrass others when he was thinking of the villagers. People who can do this It looks like it has a brain.

  I think it will be very easy to cooperate with this kind of person.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Dong and Lu Xiaoxiao came to the land across the river led by Wu Dayong, and then they walked around the land under the leadership of Wu Dayong, and felt that it was very convenient to build a branch factory in this place. suitable.

So Chen Dong glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao, and saw Lu Xiaoxiao nodding towards him, he walked up to Wu Dayong, and said to Wu Dayong: "Village Chief Wu, we are very satisfied with our land, so we want to rent it. come down."

   "Yes, but the price may be higher. After all, if the price is lower for such a large piece of land, the villagers will have objections."

   Chen Dong nodded after hearing what the village chief said, and then said: "As long as the price is within a reasonable range, we will definitely agree."

   "Then you come back tomorrow morning. I will talk to the villagers about this after I get off work, and then I will work with them to fix the rent."

   "Okay, then let's go first. We will look for you in the field at 9:30 tomorrow morning." After Chen Dong finished speaking, he got on his bicycle and took Lu Xiaoxiao out of Darong Village.

   After Wu Dayong watched Chen Dong and Lu Xiaoxiao leave, he immediately ran towards the field, and then called the secretary and scorekeeper who were working in the field to the village committee office.

   "Dayong, what did you call us here for?" Wu Zhongyuan asked Wu Dayong after taking a sip of water.

  (end of this chapter)

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