Chapter 3938 interests involved

  Wu Dayong saw Wu Zhongyuan and Wu Keke nod to him, so he took over the contract, then picked up a pen to sign his name on the contract, and then took out inkpad to stamp his fingerprints.

  After he signed the two contracts, he handed one of the contracts to Chen Dongdao: "Director Chen, the contract has been signed, when will you start construction?"

   "The construction will start tomorrow. Mayor Wu please help me find ten people to clear the land. The salary will be calculated at 80 cents a day, not including food."

   "No problem, is there anything else you need my help with?"

   "Not for the time being. When the engineering team arrives to build a factory in the village, please ask Village Chief Wu to take care of it." After speaking, Chen Dong took out this year's rent from his bag and handed it to Wu Dayong.

After Wu Dayong took over the rent that Chen Dong handed him, he directly put the rent into Wu Keji's hands, and then said: "Don't worry, we are also regarded as grasshoppers on a rope now, so we definitely won't do it." Do things that hurt others and yourself.”

  Chen Dong was relieved after hearing Wu Dayong's words, and then he said to Wu Dayong: "Mr. Wu, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."


   "Then let's go." After Chen Dong finished speaking, he led Lu Xiaoxiao out of the office.

When Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the office, she directly gave Chen Dong a thumbs up, and then said to Chen Dong: "Uncle Dongzi, you are really amazing. I didn't understand why you gave so much money to Darong Village. Now I understand the job position, your skill is really high."

   "It's just so-so. After all, we will work on other people's territory in the future, and we must give them some benefits. It is best to have interests involved, so that they will not only not trouble us, but also help us solve troubles.

  So letting some profits go out is not only not a loss, but we also make money. Besides, we can invite anyone, as long as we work quickly. "

  After listening to Chen Dong's words, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that she was taught a good lesson by Chen Dong today, and gained a lot.

  So she said to Chen Dong: "Uncle Dongzi, I'll treat you to braised pork when I get back to the county."

   "Forget it, I want the blueprint of the waterwheel more than braised pork, so have you drawn it yet?"

  After hearing Chen Dong's words, Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Chen Dong guilty, and then said: "I have drawn it, but the picture is a bit sloppy."

   "It's okay, as long as you can understand it."

  After hearing Chen Dong's words, Lu Xiaoxiao grabbed the brakes of her bicycle, then took out the blueprint from her bag and said to Chen Dong: "Uncle Dongzi, I'll give you the blueprint right now."

  Chen Dong originally wondered why Lu Xiaoxiao stopped the car, but now he understood what Lu Xiaoxiao said.

  So he took the blueprint from Lu Xiaoxiao's hand and looked at it seriously.

After he finished reading the blueprint, he couldn't help giving Lu Xiaoxiao a thumbs up, and then said: "Xiaoxiao, your blueprint is really good. I think as long as you leave this waterwheel, there will be no shortage of water in the factory." It's water."

   "Hehe... It would be nice if I could help, but I didn't draw the picture of the waterwheel, I just copied it."

   "Then you are also amazing, after all, this is not something that anyone can move if they want to."

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say after hearing Chen Dong's words, so she smiled at Chen Dong, and then rode a bicycle towards the county seat.

  Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao left without saying a word, Chen Dong quickly stuffed the blueprints into his bag, and then rode a bicycle to chase after Lu Xiaoxiao.

  (end of this chapter)

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