Chapter 3945 Make lunch (1)

More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw two men and three women walking towards her. Judging from their number and gender, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that they must be the people Wu Dayong had found, so she got up Stand still and wait for them to come.

   "Excuse me, are you Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao?" Wu Youmi asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she walked up to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I am, are you the people that Village Chief Wu called for?"

   "Yes, I am Wu Youmi, the eldest son of Village Chief Wu, and he is my second brother Wu Youmian."

The corners of Lu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched involuntarily when she heard Wu Youmi's words. Although she knew that people in this era like to put their wishes on their names, the name Wu Dayong chose for his son was too Casually.

However, she complained in her heart, but she would not say what she complained about, but greeted Wu Youmi and Wu Youmian warmly: "Comrade Wu Youmi, Comrade Wu Youmian, hello, my name is Lu Xiaoxiao, I will work hard for you next time."

   "It's not hard. Isn't it just building two earthen stoves? It's much easier than going to work. By the way, where do you want to build the earthen stoves?"

   "By the river, it's convenient for cooking."

  Wu Youmi nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then led Wu Youmi towards the river.

  Wu Shanhua said to Lu Xiaoxiao after the two brothers Wu Youmi left, "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, my name is Wu Shanhua, the one in gray is called Brother Xie Lai, and the one in blue is called Wang Jiamei."

   "Aunt Shanhua, Auntie Laidi, Auntie Jiamei, hello, my name is Lu Xiaoxiao, you can call me Xiaoxiao."

   "Xiaoxiao, I just like a straightforward person like you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to bear the fact that you **** and go every day."

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled after hearing Wu Shanhua's words, and then asked Wu Shanhua: "Aunt Shanhua, do you know what I came here for?"

   "I know, the village chief has already told us that you came here to cook for the engineering team."

   "That's right, I invited my aunts to cook lunch for the engineering team. As long as you cook a good lunch, I will not only pack a lunch for you, but also pay each of you 50 cents."

   "Xiaoxiao, is what you said true? Not only the food but also the salary?" Wu Shanhua said in disbelief after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "Of course it is true, but the premise is that you have to cook well. If you do not cook well, not only will you not be paid, I will fire you."

   "Sister Xiaoxiao, don't worry, only the three of us cook the best food in Darong Village, so we will definitely prepare the food according to your requirements."

   "Then I don't worry, now my aunts will follow me to get the ingredients and pots and pans."


After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao brought the three aunts to the river, and saw that the two brothers Wu Youmi had already built a stove, and the stove was still in good shape. It seems that the two brothers It is really good at building a stove, otherwise it would be impossible to build a stove so quickly.

"Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, do you think the stove we built is okay? If it doesn't work, we'll build it again." Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao staring at the stove, Wu Youmi thought that Lu Xiaoxiao was not satisfied with the stove they built, so she said opened the mouth.

   "No, the stove you built is very good, just build two more stoves for me according to the stove you have built now, thank you."

   "You're welcome." After Wu Youmi finished speaking, he continued to build the stove.

  (end of this chapter)

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