Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 4018: The task is successfully completed (2)

  Chapter 4018 The task is successfully completed (2)

   "Yes, people from the engineering team will not come again after today."

   "When will the factory open? And when will the list of those who have passed the job interview come out?"

   "The list of those who passed the job interview should come out in the afternoon. As for when the factory will start working, I don't know."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Liu Yemei suddenly thought that Lu Xiaoxiao only rented a house for two months, and now more than a month has passed, which means that Lu Xiaoxiao will move out of Darong Village at any time.

  Suddenly, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, so she asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, are you leaving Darong Village?"

   "Yes, the main task of my coming to Darong Village is to build a branch factory. Now that the branch factory has been built, my task has been completed, so I will go back to the county to continue working."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Liu Yemei stretched out her hand to hold Lu Xiaoxiao's hand, and then said, "I really don't want you to leave so suddenly."

   "There is no banquet in the world that lasts forever, but Darong Village does not want to be far away from the county seat. If my aunt misses me, she can go to the county seat to find me."

   "Okay, then don't find me annoying."

   "No, how could I dislike my aunt? By the way, I went back to the county to find Director Liu yesterday, and he said he had forgotten about Zhao Erhua."

   "Really? Director Liu really said that?"


   "That's really great, thank you Ni Xiaoxiao."

   "You're welcome, I didn't do anything, it's because Director Liu is generous and doesn't care about these things."

  Liu Yemei nodded in agreement after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. It seems that their village had better luck this time, meeting a magnanimous leader.

  If they meet a small-minded and narrow-minded leader this time, then those recruited in their village will probably be put on little shoes.

   "Xiaoxiao, Yemei, I've seen you from a long distance." Wu Shanhua said when she came to the door of Lu Xiaoxiao's house.

   "Aunt Shanhua, you are here, why did you come so early today?"

   "Isn't this the last day of cooking, so I just want to come early and prepare the last meal."

  After hearing Wu Shanhua's words, Lu Xiaoxiao also thought that today's noon was the last meal the engineering team had in Darong Village.

So she said to Wu Shanhua: "When I came to Darong Village, I saw that the supply and marketing cooperative had meat for sale, so I bought two catties of meat. When I was cooking at noon, I asked Aunt Shanhua to cook the meat into the vegetables and fill some for everyone. Grease and water."

   "No problem, I dare not say anything else, but cooking is definitely not difficult for me. I can definitely make everyone eat meat at noon."

  After hearing what Wu Shanhua said, Lu Xiaoxiao took out the key and opened the door of the yard, and then said to Wu Shanhua and the other three: "Sister-in-laws, go and carry the pots and pans. I will send the vegetables and meat over in a while."

  Wu Shanhua and the three of them nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she went into the house to carry pots and pans.

After Lu Xiaoxiao and Wu Shanhua left with the pots and pans, she said to Liu Yemei: "Aunt Liu, today is your last day to deliver food, let's settle the money, and you won't have to deliver food tomorrow .”


  A few minutes later, after Lu Xiaoxiao calculated the money, she took out the money from her bag and handed it to Liu Yemei, saying, "Aunt Liu, check to see if the money is correct. If it is correct, please press your fingerprint here."

  (end of this chapter)

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