Chapter 4021 is hard to say

  But she knew that she couldn't leave now. If she left, Wu Shanhua and the others would definitely know that she disliked their cooking. Although she really didn't want to eat it in her heart, she couldn't show it.

  So she could only nod to Wu Shanhua, and then said: "The dishes do look oily. Aunt Shanhua, your cooking skills are really good. It seems that the workers in the factory will have a good time in the future."

   "Haha... My cooking skills are not as good as you say. I just cook a little better than the average person. Compared with those chefs who are in charge, my cooking skills are still far behind."

After hearing what Wu Shanhua said with a smile, Wu Shanhua laughed twice. It seems that Wu Shanhua is quite self-aware. I only hope that the chefs recruited in the factory will ask Wu Shanhua to cook less. Otherwise, with her skills, I guess Those workers in the factory are not willing to join in.

   "Can I eat?" Ge Jianshe asked Wu Shanhua when he brought people to the river.

   "Okay, there is meat today, you have a good time."

After Ge Jianshe heard Wu Shanhua's words, he looked at Lu Xiaoxiao who was standing by the pot. Without thinking about it, he knew that Lu Xiaoxiao brought the meat, because it was impossible for the food factory to arrange meat dishes for them. The best they can do is keep them fed.

  So he threw a grateful smile at Lu Xiaoxiao.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao received Ge Jianshe's grateful smile, she had an indescribable feeling.

  I just hope that Ge Jianshe and the others can still be happy when they eat the food.

After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that everyone was given a large bowl of food, and they were all sitting happily eating, as if they had eaten some delicacies from mountains and seas, she swallowed unconsciously. Take a sip.

  So she picked up the bowl and said to Wu Shanhua: "Aunt Shanhua, please give me some food."

   "Okay, I specially left a big bowl for you to make sure you will be full." After Wu Shanhua finished speaking, she planned to scoop all the remaining vegetables in the pot to Lu Xiaoxiao.

When Lu Xiaoxiao saw the big spoonful of vegetables that Wu Shanhua gave her, she couldn't help taking two steps back, and then said to Wu Shanhua, "Aunt Shanhua, I have a small appetite and can't eat so much food, so you don't have to Give me so many dishes, I only need a little food."

   "How about it, today's meat was brought by you, you have to eat more."

   "No, no, I'll just eat a little, and the rest will be divided among the three aunts, otherwise it will be a waste if I can't finish it."

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao said so, Wu Shanhua didn't scoop up so many vegetables for Lu Xiaoxiao, but only scooped up half a bowl of vegetables for Lu Xiaoxiao, and then gave Lu Xiaoxiao two wild vegetables. Wowotou, lest Lu Xiaoxiao not get enough to eat.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao finished cooking, she found a place with few people and sat down, then picked up a piece of vermicelli with chopsticks and put it into her mouth.

  How should I put it, apart from sour and salty, she couldn't taste other tastes, so she took a small bite of the steamed bread, and continued to eat sauerkraut, stewed cabbage and shredded radish.

  After she finished eating the dish in her mouth, she no longer wanted to taste the paper-thin meat, because she could already imagine what the meat tasted like.

  At the same time, she really wanted to ask the group of people who ate with gusto, how they made this indescribable dish taste delicious. She really admired it.

  (end of this chapter)

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