Chapter 4043 is busy again

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Li Qianjin's words, and then she walked towards Li Qianjin's office.

  When she entered Li Qianjin's office, she saw that Li Qianjin was not sitting at the desk, but standing by the window.

  So she didn't say anything, just stood there silently, waiting for Li Qianjin to speak.

   A few minutes later, Li Qianjin retracted his gaze and turned to look at Lu Xiaoxiao. He saw Lu Xiaoxiao standing there with his head down. His eyes flickered, and he walked towards his desk.

  When he sat down at the desk, he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, do you know why I called you here?"

   "I don't know, please tell Director Li clearly."

   "Actually, I don't have anything special to ask you today. The assembly line of the branch factory is about to start operation, and the purchasing department over there has not yet been established, so we need to purchase the raw materials needed by the branch factory."

   "I see, but this is a matter for the whole department, I don't understand why you are looking for me alone."

  “Because you have a special channel to get what our factory needs, but others can’t get it.

  In addition, it is now a time when there is no supply, and it is even more difficult to purchase raw materials, so I hope you can do your best to purchase the raw materials needed by the factory. "

  Lu Xiaoxiao did not express her opinion immediately after listening to Li Qianjin's words, because if she expressed her opinion so easily, Li Qianjin would feel that it was easy for her to get those things.

   Then Li Qianjin will definitely let her buy the second, third or even countless times in the future.

  After all, human appetite is brought up bit by bit, and she never dared to underestimate human nature, after all, human nature is the most complicated.

  So she thought for a while, and then she opened her mouth and said to Li Jinjin: "Director Li, you also know that it is the time when you are out of business, so I can't get so many things, so I can't do it alone.

  In addition, the price of purchasing raw materials now will definitely not be as cheap as before. After all, rare things are more expensive. Now is the time when materials are scarce, and the price will definitely increase. "

   "I know, but I still have to leave the big head to you."

   "Okay, but I can't guarantee how many things I can buy. I can only say that I will do my best."

   "I believe you can do it. If you can complete the task satisfactorily this time, I will mention to the factory what you mentioned at the end of the year."

  After hearing what Li Jinjin said, Lu Xiaoxiao smiled at Li Jinjin, and then she turned and left Li Jinjin's office. As for what Li Jinjin said, she didn't take it seriously.

  Because she was also a leader before, she knows such things as painting pancakes very well, if she takes it seriously, she is a big fool.

   "Xiaoxiao, what does Director Li want from you?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao after Lu Xiaoxiao came back.

   "What else can it be for, what is our department doing?"

   "Purchasing? Didn't our factory just purchase a large amount of raw materials last month, why do we need to purchase again this month? Is our factory's business so good?"

   "It was not purchased for our factory, but for the branch factory."

  After Zhang Yuanyuan heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she lay down on the table weakly. She was lucky last month, so it didn't take much effort to complete the target.

   But when she saw other unlucky colleagues lose a lot of weight in order to complete the target, she immediately felt exhausted.

  (end of this chapter)

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