Chapter 4056 Miso

   "Yes, but the phone is not in the village, but at the commune, but my grandmother's house is only seven or eight minutes away from the commune. Do you want me to call my grandmother directly?"

   "Yeah, not only will we save time, but we won't have to travel in vain."

   "Then let's go to the post office and make a phone call after lunch."

   "No, just go to my house to play. I will eat lunch at my house too. It just so happens that I have not eaten corn stubble porridge. Today at noon we will eat corn stubble porridge and stewed eggs with miso."

   "Okay, I haven't eaten stewed eggs with miso for a long time, mainly because I don't know how to make miso, and I have severed ties with my family, so I don't know where to get miso."

After hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao thought of the big tanks of miso in her space, so she said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Last year, I bought a lot of miso with others. When you go to my house at noon, put the lunch box Bring it, I'll pack some for you."

   "Okay, can you call me next time you buy miso, I also want to buy some to keep for eating."

   "Yes, but I bought a lot of miso last time, so I don't think I need to buy miso for the whole year."

   "Ah ~ can you sell me some miso?"

  After hearing what Zhang Yuanyuan said, Lu Xiaoxiao thought to herself that she bought a total of six jars of miso sauce last time. Judging by the speed at which she ate miso sauce, she might not be able to finish eating so much miso sauce in this lifetime.

  So she said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "I can sell you half a jar of miso at most, about fifty catties."

   "Enough, I can't finish fifty catties of miso in a year."

   "Well, when you have time, bring a bucket to my house to pick up miso."

   "Wait a few days, I don't have a big tank at home, I need to buy a big tank and go to your house to get the miso."


  At 10:30 noon, when Lu Xiaoxiao heard the bell ringing for leaving get off work, she packed up her things, walked out of the office with Zhang Yuanyuan, and headed home.

   Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao came home, and she asked Zhang Yuanyuan to help her cook corn stubble porridge, and she also made stewed eggs with miso.

  When she finished stewed eggs with miso sauce, she saw that Zhang Yuanyuan’s corn stubble porridge was also ready, so she asked Zhang Yuanyuan to bring the corn stubble porridge and stewed eggs with miso sauce to the dining table.

   And she also took out a bottle of pickled cucumbers from the cabinet, and then took a few pickled cucumbers out of the bottle and put them in a bowl, then walked out of the kitchen with the pickled cucumbers.

   "Xiaoxiao, come over to eat quickly, I've packed the food for you." Zhang Yuanyuan said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao came out of the kitchen.

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, then she put the pickled melon in her hand on the dining table, and sat down opposite Zhang Yuanyuan.

   Then she picked up the spoon and ate a mouthful of corn stubble porridge. Well, it was a familiar taste, which made her feel a little melancholy for no reason.

   "What's wrong with you? Is the porridge I made not tasty?" Zhang Yuanyuan frowned when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao took a mouthful of porridge, and hurriedly asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "No, the porridge you cook is delicious. I just think of the days when I first went to the countryside, and I feel a little melancholy for no reason."

   Zhang Yuanyuan didn't know how to comfort Lu Xiaoxiao after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, because she had never experienced going to the countryside, and she didn't know what it was like to go to the countryside.

  So she could only sit quietly and accompany Lu Xiaoxiao.

  (end of this chapter)

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