Chapter 4062 Surprise Surprise

  First of all, she picked up the first mahogany box she bought, because this mahogany box uses a mechanism lock and has a self-destruct function.

  That's why the owner of this box didn't use violence to open it, otherwise the box wouldn't have a chance to fall into her hands.

  However, she doesn't have a special understanding of mechanism locks, but she is better than ordinary people.

  Because she had learned how to open the lock with Zhang Xu, but she didn't know if it was difficult to set the lock of the mahogany box. If it was too difficult, she could only leave it to Zhang Xu.

  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao finally understood the mechanism lock of this mahogany box. Fortunately, Zhang Xu taught her how to open this type of mechanism lock.

  So she followed the steps Zhang Xu taught her to unlock the mechanism.

   Then she opened the wooden box and saw that the wooden box was full of gems, including rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. In short, there were all colors of gems in the wooden box.

   Dazzled her directly.

   Fortunately, she had seen a lot of good things before, so she was slightly shocked and came back to her senses.

   Then she picked out the smallest red gemstone from the wooden box, and planned to process it into a necklace for Zhang Yuanyuan.

  After all, she went to the ghost market because of Zhang Yuanyuan, so she should thank Zhang Yuanyuan anyway, otherwise how could she get such a good thing.

More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao strung the ruby ​​inlaid into the silver tray with a braided red string. Seeing that the finished product was quite beautiful, she put the ruby ​​necklace into her pocket and continued to open the remaining ones. wooden box.

  Since the remaining wooden boxes only contained things in the interlayer, and the wood used in those wooden boxes was ordinary wood, so she directly used violence to tear down those wooden boxes.

   Then she saw that all the gold bars were opened out of the wooden box, and there was nothing else.

  Although she was a little disappointed in her heart, it was better than nothing. Besides, gold bars are also good things, so she couldn't be too greedy.

  So she put the gold bars in the box and went to take a bath and go to bed.

  The next morning, when Lu Xiaoxiao arrived at the bus station on time at eight o'clock in the morning, she saw Zhang Yuanyuan waiting for her at the gate of the bus station.

  So she quickly walked up to Zhang Yuanyuan, and said to Zhang Yuanyuan, "Let's go, let's go to the car."

Zhang Yuanyuan nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then she took out a boiled egg from her pocket and stuffed it into Lu Xiaoxiao's hand, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "I cooked this in the morning, and I won't wait until I arrive at the farm soon." I know when I can come back, if you are hungry, you can peel and eat."

   "Thank you, Yuanyuan."

   "You're welcome, let's get in the car."


   After more than an hour, the car stopped in a small town. When Lu Xiaoxiao got out of the car, she saw that the roads in this town were quite wide, and there were quite a lot of people on the street. It was no worse than Qinghe County at all.

  So she said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, this town looks really good, it's about the same as Qinghe County, it doesn't look like a town at all."

   "Indeed, but the fact that this town is so good probably has something to do with the farm. After all, the output of the farm is unmatched by the village, so it's not surprising that the town looks so good."

   "You have a point, but how do we get to the farm?"

  (end of this chapter)

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