Chapter 4171 Make trouble

  Liu Pingjiang did not explain anything after hearing what Zhao Yi said, but turned sideways to Zhao Yidao: "You go first to take a look at the house, and then continue talking about money."

  Wang Jialong and Zhao Yi looked at each other after hearing Liu Pingjiang's words, and then they walked towards the yard.

  Then they saw the tidy courtyard, the large tile-roofed house and several side rooms located in the courtyard, and instantly they understood why Liu Pingjiang charged such a high price.

  Because this house is really good, better repaired than many houses in the city, if they live in such a house, they should feel much better.

  So they didn't hesitate any longer, and said to Liu Pingjiang directly: "Comrade Liu, we bought your house, and we will come to collect it in three days."

   "Okay, come to my house tomorrow morning to sign an agreement, and then we will go to the captain to transfer the house."

   "Okay, then we will come back tomorrow morning." After Zhao Yi finished speaking, he and Wang Jialong left Liu Ermei's house.

   After they left, Liu Pingjiang closed the gate of the courtyard and walked towards the main room.

  After he entered the main room, he saw that everyone in the room was staring at him, causing him to cough lightly, and then asked, "Why are you staring at me?"

   "Master, who were you talking to just now?"

   "Who else is there, the new educated youth."

   "New educated youths? Are they here to buy a house?"

   "They are indeed here to buy a house. I didn't expect that they would come to the door as soon as I released some news this afternoon. It seems that they really want to move out of the educated youth spot and live alone."

   "That's not true. I heard people say that there are some women in the educated youth camp who are uneasy. I guess they are afraid of those women, so they want to live alone, so that they can save a lot of trouble."

  After hearing Liu's words, Liu Pingjiang immediately understood why they were so anxious to move in. The relationship was because of this reason.

  So he asked Second Sister Liu: "Second Sister, when can we move to the county?"

   "I don't know about this, after all, I haven't bought the house yet."

   "Then go to the county tomorrow and ask Yuanyuan to see when she can sell the house to us."

   "Dad, why are you so anxious all of a sudden?" Second Sister Liu asked Liu Pingjiang after hearing Liu Pingjiang's words.

   "It's not me who is in a hurry, it's the two educated youths who are in a hurry. They want to move in in three days."

   "In such a hurry?"


   "Did they accept the price we offered?"


   "That's really great. Tomorrow I'll bring money to find Yuanyuan to buy a house."

   "Okay, bring all the money in the family with you tomorrow, and try to buy the house as quickly as possible, so that we can also make room for the two educated youths."

  Liu Ermei nodded after hearing Liu Pingjiang's words, and then she saw that it was getting late, and if she didn't go to bed, she probably wouldn't be able to get up in the morning, so she went straight back to her room to sleep.

  The next morning, Ermei Liu woke up at six o'clock in the morning and saw that it was already light, so she got up from the bed to get dressed.

  After she got dressed, she opened the door to the yard, and then she saw two strange men standing in the middle of the yard.

  She could guess who they were from their clothes, so she gave them a slight nod and went to the kitchen to wash up.

  (end of this chapter)

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