Chapter 4273 Self-inflicted can't live

   After Guanshi Xie left, Lu Xiaoxiao closed the door of the house, and then opened the box to check the contents.

  After she checked the contents of the box, she saw that there was nothing wrong with it. They were the things she saw in the evening, so she put everything into the space.

  After she put away her things, she saw that it was getting late, and she still had a lot of things to do tomorrow, so she went upstairs to take a shower and go to bed.

  The next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the bureau at eight o'clock, and she happened to meet Liu Cheng who came out of the office, so she asked Liu Cheng, "Uncle Liu, do you have time today?"

   "Yes, what do you want from me?"

   "Let's go into the office and talk."

  Liu Cheng nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he and Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards the office together.

  When he entered the office, he brought Lu Xiaoxiao a glass of water, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Now we can talk."

   "Yes." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she told Liu Cheng the purpose of her visit today.

  Liu Cheng was also very angry after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, because he felt that Liu Aiguo's actions were ruining people's futures, and it could even be said that they were killing people's lives.

  So he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Wait for me, I will find two people to go to Tianshui Village with us."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Liu Cheng's words, and then she sat in the office and waited for Liu Cheng.

  After more than ten minutes, Liu Cheng returned to the office with two people, and then he introduced to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, these two are my colleagues, you can call them Comrade Xu and Comrade Xie."

After hearing what Liu Cheng said, Lu Xiaoxiao smiled at the two brought by Liu Cheng, and then greeted them: "Comrade Xu, Comrade Xie, hello, my name is Lu Xiaoxiao, you can call me Comrade Lu or Lu Xiaoxiao."

   "Let's call you Lu Xiaoxiao, it's too weird to call you Comrade Lu."


   Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao and the two people he brought knew each other, Liu Cheng said, "Let's go."

  Lu Xiaoxiao and the other two nodded after hearing Liu Cheng's words, and then they walked towards the outside of the bureau together with Liu Cheng.

  After more than ten minutes, the car stopped at the entrance of Tianshui Village. After Lu Xiaoxiao got out of the car, he said to Liu Cheng, "Uncle Liu, take someone to find the village chief first, and I'll go find Professor Zhang and the others."

  Liu Cheng nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and after Lu Xiaoxiao left, he took someone to find Liu Aiguo.

More than 20 minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao found Professor Zhang and Professor Wang at the foot of the back mountain, and she said to them: "Third Master, Fourth Master, you two drive the cow back quickly, and then come with me." .”

  Professor Zhang and Professor Wang didn't know what Lu Xiaoxiao was going to do after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, but they still followed what Lu Xiaoxiao said and drove the cow back.

  After they drove the cattle to the shed, they asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, what are you doing here in broad daylight?"

   "Of course I took you to get things, so you follow me quickly."

  Professor Zhang and Professor Wang looked at each other after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then they followed Lu Xiaoxiao and walked towards the village brigade.

  When they came to the village brigade, they saw that Liu Cheng was leading someone to talk to Liu Aiguo in an official style, so she said to Liu Cheng, "Uncle Liu, I brought people here."

  (end of this chapter)

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