Chapter 4275 Finally left

  When she came to Professor Zhang and Professor Wang, she said to them, "Third Master, Fourth Master, you can directly move to my house today."

   "Wouldn't it be inconvenient?"

   "No, I'm the only one in my family, so you just treat my family as your own."

  Professor Zhang and Professor Wang looked at each other after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then they planned to move to Lu Xiaoxiao's house.

  So they said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Okay, let's pack things now."

  After hearing what Professor Zhang and Professor Wang said, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Liu Cheng and the others to go to the entrance of the village first, and then she walked towards the hut with Professor Zhang and Professor Wang.

When she entered the cowshed, she saw that there was nothing worth taking away in the thatched shed, so she said to Professor Zhang and Professor Wang: "Third Master, Fourth Master, you just take the important things away." Well, let’s forget about the other stuff.”

  Professor Zhang and Professor Wang nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then they began to pack their things.

  After they packed up their things, they said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Girl Xiao, wait for us, we want to take the things we didn't take away and give them to those who helped us."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing what Professor Zhang and Professor Wang said, and then she told them to deliver things quickly, because Liu Cheng was still waiting for them.

  Professor Zhang and Professor Wang immediately put the basket on their backs after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then quickly walked towards the family who helped them.

   After more than half an hour, Professor Zhang and Professor Wang came back after delivering the things, and Let Yu said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiao girl, let's go."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she left the hut with Professor Zhang and Professor Wang and walked towards the entrance of the village.

  When they came to the entrance of the village, they saw Liu Cheng and the three squatting on the side of the road smoking, so she waved to Liu Cheng, and then shouted: "Uncle Liu, we are here."

  Liu Cheng stood up after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then he quickly finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, and walked towards Lu Xiaoxiao and the others.

  When he walked in front of Lu Xiaoxiao, he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Why is there so little luggage?"

   "There are many things that don't need to be taken away, so I didn't take them."

Liu Cheng thought about it after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, so he stretched out his hand to take the bags carried by Professor Zhang and Professor Wang, and then said to them: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wang, get in the car first, as for the luggage I'll put you in the car for you."

  Professor Zhang and Professor Wang thanked Liu Cheng after hearing Liu Cheng's words, and then they sat in the car.

  After Professor Zhang and Professor Wang got into the car, Lu Xiaoxiao opened the co-pilot's door and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

   A few minutes later, Liu Cheng saw that everyone got into the car, and then he started the car and drove towards the county.

  When the car entered the county seat, Liu Chengcheng asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Where do you want to get off?"

   "Let's go to the entrance of the bureau."

   "Okay." After Liu Cheng finished speaking, he drove towards the office.

   A few minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of the bureau, and then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Here we are."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Liu Cheng's words, and then she opened the door and got out of the car.

  When she got out of the car, she saw Professor Zhang and Professor Wang also got out of the car, and then she asked them to pick up their luggage first, while she walked towards Liu Cheng.

  (end of this chapter)

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