Chapter 4279 Physical condition

   "No, we're all sleeping at home this afternoon."

   "Sleep? Did you sleep all afternoon?"

   "Well, we haven't paid much attention recently, so we will stay at home to rest this afternoon."

  After hearing Professor Wang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Professor Wang to stretch out her hand, and then she put her hand on Professor Wang's pulse to feel his pulse.

  After she took Professor Wang's pulse, she couldn't help frowning, because Professor Wang's health is really not good, it can be said that it is much worse than a year ago.

  So she asked Professor Wang: "Fourth Master, what have you done this year? Why did your health become so bad?"

   "I didn't do anything, I just went to work the same as before."

   "It shouldn't be, if you go to work as before, your health won't become so bad, so what are you hiding from me?"

  Professor Zhang saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was angry, so he hurriedly said to Professor Wang: "Old Wang, you should tell me about that."

After hearing Professor Zhang's words, Professor Wang gave Professor Zhang a hard look, and then looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with a guilty conscience: "Actually... Actually, I didn't hide anything from you. I just went into the water to rescue you in April. Individual, and then...then got sick for half a month."

  After listening to Professor Wang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao almost died of anger, because Professor Wang is not young, and in addition to suffering before, her physical condition will be worse than normal people.

   And under such circumstances, he still dared to rescue people in the cold weather. Isn't this courting death?

   "Girl Xiao, I really didn't mean to save people in the cold water. I just reacted instinctively. When I realized it, people were already in the water."

  After hearing Professor Wang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao glared at Professor Wang angrily, and then she ignored Professor Wang and went to check Professor Zhang's pulse.

After she gave Professor Zhang the pulse, she said to Professor Zhang: "Third Master, your body is well maintained, but your body is still a little weak recently, it may be because you have been to the ground a lot recently, but the problem is not serious , as long as you take a good rest for a few days."

   After listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Professor Zhang looked at Professor Wang proudly, and then he picked up the water and drank it leisurely.

  Professor Wang gritted his teeth angrily when he saw Professor Zhang's smug look, and then he asked Lu Xiaoxiao flatteringly, "Girl Xiao, how do you think my body should be taken care of?"

   "You don't need to take care of your body anymore. I think this is very good. Maybe one day I can be less filial to Master."

  Professor Wang couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but he still didn't give up, and looked directly at Lu Xiaoxiao with pitiful eyes.

  Lu Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable when she was stared at by Professor Wang, so she hurriedly said to Professor Wang, "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes anymore, you've seen the goosebumps all over my body."

  Professor Wang didn't look away after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but still looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with that pitiful look.

   "Okay, let me take care of your body."

   "You said this, I didn't force you."

   "Well, I said it."

  Professor Wang immediately withdrew his eyes after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he looked at Professor Zhang proudly. He didn't look away until he became angry with Professor Zhang.

  (end of this chapter)

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