Chapter 4298 Apprenticeship


"Well, from today onwards you are my apprentice, although apprenticeship is not as complicated as it used to be, but you have to remember one thing, that is, you can't do anything to betray me, or I will do everything possible to destroy you .”

   "I see, I will definitely not do anything to betray Master, otherwise I will die badly."

  Mu Siling's expression softened a lot after hearing Liu Ermei's words, and then she said to Guanshi Xie who was standing at the door of the house: "I also brought the things in."

   After hearing what Mu Siling said, Steward Xie immediately went into the room with his things, and then he pressed Mu Siling excitedly and said, "Daughter-in-law, you finally came out."

   "Yeah, it's time for me to come out, I've worked hard for you all these years."

   "It's not hard, as long as I can be with you, I am willing to do anything."

  Mu Siling blushed when she heard Guanshi Xie's words, then she gave Guanshi Xie a coquettish look, and said, "There are still children here."

   After hearing what Mu Siling said, Steward Xie remembered that there were others in the room, so he scratched his head embarrassedly, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

   "It's okay, if you have something to do, go to work, we still want to talk more with Aunt Mu."

   After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Steward Xie looked towards Mu Siling. When he saw Mu Siling surpassing him, he nodded, and then he walked out of the house.

After Guanshi Xie left, Mu Siling took out the needle, thread and a piece of cloth from the drawer of the kang cabinet, and then handed the needle, thread and cloth to Ermei Liu and said, "You can embroider a pattern for me first, and let me see your level." How, so that I know how to teach you."

  Second Sister Liu nodded after hearing Musling's words, and then she reached out to take the needle, thread and cloth that Musling handed her, and began to embroider flowers.

   More than an hour later, Second Sister Liu handed the cloth embroidered with peonies to Mu Siling, and then said to Mu Siling: "Master, this is the flower I am best at embroidering."

Mu Siling nodded after hearing what Liu Ermei said, and then she reached out to take the cloth that Liu Ermei handed her, and saw that there were many beautiful peonies on the cloth. It seems that Liu Ermei laid the foundation well. .

  So she said to Liu Ermei: "The peonies you embroidered are not bad, but what you embroider now is only suitable for looking at from a distance, not close up, because your embroidering is still very rough."

   "I see, thank you Master for your guidance."

   "You're welcome, since you have accepted me as your teacher, I will naturally teach you well. I just hope you don't blame me for being too strict in the future."

   "No, I still understand the truth that strict teachers produce outstanding apprentices."

After hearing Liu Ermei's answer, Mu Siling nodded in satisfaction, then she glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and saw that it was time for lunch, so she said to Lu Xiaoxiao and Liu Ermei: "You guys will leave at noon today. Let's eat at my house."

   "No, we'd better go home and eat."

   "Okay, I just don't have any food at home today, and I don't know what to cook for you, so today I will let you go and let you go home for dinner.

  But next time you have to stay at my house for dinner, or I will get angry. "

  Lu Xiaoxiao and Liu Ermei nodded after hearing what Mu Siling said, and then they exchanged a few words with Mu Siling, and then left Mu Siling's house.

  (end of this chapter)

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