Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 4302: the night before departure

  Chapter 4302 The eve of departure

  After more than ten minutes, Professor Zhang finished eating the noodles in the bowl, and then he asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiao girl, do you have any more noodles? I want to have another bowl."

   "No more, you can eat tomorrow."

   "Okay, you must cook me noodles tomorrow morning."

   "No, I'm not going to cook tomorrow morning because I'll be packing everything up tonight, but I'll make sure you have noodles tomorrow at noon."

   "Noon tomorrow? Aren't we on the train then?"

   "Yes, but this is not a problem for me, anyway, I will let you eat noodles at noon tomorrow."

  Professor Wang was very curious about how Lu Xiaoxiao let him eat meat sauce noodles on the train after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, but he didn't ask, because he would know tomorrow.

  So he picked up the dishes and went to the kitchen to clean them.

  After he came back after washing the dishes, he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Girl Xiao, do you think we should tell Zhang Xu and the others about our return to Beijing tomorrow?"

   "No, because I told them it would be more dangerous."

  Professor Wang thought about it after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, so he stopped telling others about his return to Beijing, because he didn't want to add danger and burden to Lu Xiaoxiao.

After six o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that all the things that should be packed on the first floor had been packed, so she said to Professor Zhang and Professor Wang: "Third Master, Fourth Master, you go back to your room to rest, or I'm afraid that you will be packed tomorrow." won't get up."

  Professor Zhang and Professor Wang nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then they asked Lu Xiaoxiao to go upstairs to sleep early, and they went back to their rooms to sleep.

More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao heard the sound of steady breathing from inside the room, and she knew that the two masters were asleep, so with a wave of her little hand, she put all the things she had just packed into the space, and then she went to bed. Lou went to sleep.

  The next morning at six o'clock in the morning, Lu Xiaoxiao went down to the first floor with a yawn, and she saw Professor Zhang and Professor Wang sitting at the dining table having breakfast.

  So she greeted them: "Third Master, Fourth Master, good morning."

   "Good morning, come and have breakfast."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked to the dining table and sat down, then picked up a bun and ate it.

  After she finished eating the three steamed buns, she asked Professor Zhang and Professor Wang, "Third Master, Fourth Master, have you packed all your quilts?"

   "It's all packed."

   "That's good. I'll send the quilt to my friend later, and ask her to send it to Beijing for me."

  Professor Zhang and Professor Wang immediately understood where the things they packed last night went when they heard what Lu Xiaoxiao said.

  So they said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "We will help you deliver the quilt to your friend's house in a while."

   "No, my friend will come to pick up the quilt later, but there is something I really need your help with."

   "What is it, tell me."

   "I want you to help me get the train ticket."

   "No problem, but where are we going to get it?"

   "In the bureau, I asked Liu Cheng to help buy the train ticket."

   "Okay, let's go now." After Professor Zhang and Professor Wang finished talking, they got up and walked out of the house.

After Professor Zhang and Professor Wang left, Lu Xiaoxiao put all the quilts in the room into the space, and then she wandered around the room, and saw that only the bicycle was not put into the space, so she directly put the bicycle into the space. Into the space.

  (end of this chapter)

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