Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 4319: because you are worth it

  Chapter 4319 Because you are worth it

  Breakfast ended more than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that it was almost time, so she asked Professor Zhang and Professor Wang: "Third Master, Fourth Master, do you need me to take you to work?"

   "No, we can go by ourselves."

   "Okay, then I will stay at home and wait for you to come back, and I will make some food for you by the way."

  Professor Zhang and Professor Wang nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then they went back to their room and changed into the new clothes that Lu Xiaoxiao bought for them, and went out to work.

  After Professor Zhang and Professor Wang went to work, Lu Xiaoxiao took the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen to clean, then took out the ingredients for making fried sauce from the space, and started making fried sauce.

  After more than an hour, she divided the fried sauce into ten bottles, and then she started steaming the buns again.

  Although the steamed buns can’t be stored for a few days in the current weather, they are more durable than other foods, and the steamed buns mixed with sauce taste very delicious and convenient to eat.

  So steamed buns are very suitable for Professor Zhang and Professor Wang. She plans to steam more to ensure that they don't have to worry about food in the next three days.

  After eleven o'clock at noon, after Lu Xiaoxiao took the fried vegetables out of the kitchen, she heard a knock on the door, so she put the vegetables on the dining table and went to the yard to open the door.

  When she opened the door to the yard, she saw Professor Zhang and Professor Wang carrying big bags, and she immediately turned sideways to let them into the yard.

After they entered the courtyard, she closed the courtyard door, took some of the things from them, and then asked them: "Third Master, Fourth Master, don't you go to work? What's the matter?" Come back so many things?"

   "These are the things we bought for you."

   "Buy me something?"

   "Yes, when we went to work today, the superior gave us a compensation, so Professor Zhang and I went to the department store to buy some things for you.

  Although the quality of these items is not very good, but these are the best items in the department store, no matter how good we are, we can’t buy them even if we have money. "

  Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes immediately turned red when she heard Professor Wang's words. It wasn't because she was emotional, but because Professor Wang at this moment was very similar to her grandfather in her previous life, which reminded her of the good times she had with her grandfather.

   "Girl Xiao, what's wrong with you?" Professor Wang saw that Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly turned red, and thought he had done something wrong, so he hurriedly asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "It's okay, I'm just so touched, thank you."

   "Cough, it turns out that you are crying because of this, it really scared me to death, but you really don't need to be moved by this, because what you have done for us is incomparable.

  So no matter how good we treat you in the future, you don't have to have any burden in your heart, because you are worth it. "

   "Old Wang is right, if it weren't for you, maybe the grass on our graves would be three feet high, so no matter how good we are to you, it's because you are worth it."

   "I know, but I will treat you very well in the future and treat you as my own grandfather."

  Professor Zhang and Professor Wang couldn't stop the smiles on their faces when they heard what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then they thought about the things they bought for Lu Xiaoxiao.

  They urged Lu Xiaoxiao to enter the house quickly, because they couldn't wait to show Lu Xiaoxiao what they bought.

  (end of this chapter)

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