Chapter 4328 Make headgear

   A few minutes later, Zhang Yuanyuan finished her lunch. After she took the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen, she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, have you brought your clothes and cloth?"

   "Bring it." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she opened the bag, revealing the clothes and cloth inside.

  When Zhang Yuanyuan saw the clothes and cloth in the package, she frowned involuntarily, and then she asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, are you sure you want to use these clothes and cloth to make hair clips and hair ties?"

   "Of course, I don't like those clothes and cloths, so I plan to make the best use of them, and I will buy what I like after I make money."

After Zhang Yuanyuan heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she felt that Lu Xiaoxiao's idea was very good, so she quickly pulled out two clothes from the cabinet, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "I don't like these two clothes, so I don't like them either. Use them for bobby pins and scrunchies."

   “Okay, let’s start by drawing the style of the bobby pins and scrunchies, and then we’ll start making them.”

  Zhang Yuanyuan nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but she didn't know what kind of hair clips and hair ties would make people like it, so she planned to give this task to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  So she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I think it's better for you to draw the styles of hair clips and hair bands, because I'm not good at this."

   "No problem, I'll draw a few patterns for you to see first, if you think it's okay, we'll make these patterns first and buy them."

   "Okay." After Zhang Yuanyuan finished speaking, she took out the paper and pen from the kang cabinet, and handed them to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the paper and pen handed to her by Zhang Yuanyuan, she sat down at the kang table and began to draw patterns.

  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao handed the drawn pattern to Zhang Yuanyuan and said, "Yuanyuan, take a look. If you think it's okay, then we'll start making hair clips and hair ties."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Zhang Yuanyuan reached out to take the pattern that Lu Xiaoxiao handed her, and looked at it seriously.

  After she finished watching those patterns, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, the patterns you drew are really beautiful. Not only are they beautiful, but they are also easy to make. They are really suitable for us."

   "It's really suitable for us, but these hair clips and scrunchies can only be sold fresh, because they are too simple to make and easy to learn."

   "Then what should we do? Is our way of making money going to die before it even starts?"

   "It won't die young, and I don't only know how to draw these styles."

   "Then draw a few difficult ones quickly, so that it won't be easy to be asked out."

  Lu Xiaoxiao shook her head after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and then said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Don't worry, we are just testing the waters now, so we can use these styles."

   "Okay, then let's sell these first, then I'll start cutting the cloth now."



   More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan cut the cloth for hair clips and hair ties, and then they found that they didn't buy clips and tendons, so they couldn't make hair clips and hair ties at all.

  So Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, you are good at handwork, so you stay at home and tie flowers, and I will buy clips and tendon."

Zhang Yuanyuan nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she took out five industrial coupons from the drawer and handed them to Lu Xiaoxiao, saying: "I only have so many industrial coupons, if not enough, I will let the monkey find a way .”

  (end of this chapter)

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