Chapter 4330 Hot Selling (2)

  When the monkey returned home at 7 o'clock in the evening, he saw Zhang Yuanyuan sitting under a kerosene lamp doing needlework, and he immediately turned on the lights in the house.

   Then he asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "Why don't you turn on the light?"

   "It's a waste of electricity. Besides, I'm just making small flowers. It doesn't need to be so bright, so I can use a kerosene lamp."

  After hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, the monkey knew that Zhang Yuanyuan was trying to save money, so he reluctantly turned on the light. He immediately held Zhang Yuanyuan's hand in distress.

   Then she said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, I know you love me, but I love you too, so don't do this again in the future, or you will burn your eyes.

   Also, you don’t have to worry about the family expenses. Before that, I bought a house and got married, so my money was so tight.

   But you don’t have to worry about money anymore from next month, because my salary is enough to support our family. "

  Zhang Yuanyuan nodded when she heard the monkey's words, and then she put the half-stuck flower into the dustpan, and said to the monkey, "You go take a bath first, and I'll warm up your meal."

   "No, I'll just heat it up myself. It's getting late now, so go to bed early."

   "Okay, then I'll go to bed first, and you go to bed early after dinner."

  Monkey nodded after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and then he turned off the lights in the room after Zhang Yuanyuan lay down on the kang.

   Then he walked out of the house and went to the kitchen to heat up the meal.

  The next morning at seven o'clock, after breakfast, Lu Xiaoxiao took the hair clips and hair ties she and Zhang Yuanyuan made, and walked towards the cotton spinning factory closest to her home.

  When she came to the entrance of the cotton spinning factory, she saw many young girls walking towards the inside of the cotton spinning factory. It seemed that she was right today.

  But she is not in a hurry to sell hair clips and hair ties, because the business of Shangchuang is not a business, so she plans to advertise first.

  So she took out a hair clip from the basket and put it on her head, and then took out a hair tie and put it on the high ponytail, and then stood upright at the entrance of the cotton mill.

"Comrade, can I take a step to talk?" Yu Baolan was attracted by the hair tie tied on Lu Xiaoxiao's head as soon as she walked to the factory gate, so she walked up to Lu Xiaoxiao and whispered to Lu Xiaoxiao asked.

  After hearing what Yu Baolan said, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Yu Baolan. When she saw what Yu Baolan was wearing, she knew that her first business deal was done.

  So she nodded towards Yu Baolan, and then walked together with Yu Baolan to a place where no one was around.

  When she got to a place where no one was around, she asked Yu Baolan, "Comrade, did you ask you to come here?"

Yu Baolan felt a little embarrassed when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but when she saw the hair tie on Lu Xiaoxiao's head, she mustered up her courage and asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Comrade, I want to ask Where did you buy the hair tie on your head?"

   "I didn't buy it, I made it myself."

   "Then you are really amazing."

After hearing Yu Baolan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao saw Yu Baolan's disappointed look, she knew that Yu Baolan especially liked the hair tie on her head, otherwise Yu Baolan wouldn't put it on from time to time. His eyes fell on the hair tie.

  So she directly took out a hair tie from the basket and handed it to Yu Baolan, "This hair tie is for you."

"give me?"

   "Yeah, I see you like the scrunchie on my head, so I'll give you one."

   "How embarrassing."

   "It's nothing to be embarrassed about, I still have a lot of hair ties." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she lifted the cloth covering the basket a little, revealing the hair ties inside.

  (end of this chapter)

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