Chapter 4339 is being targeted


   "How much?" Jin Jing asked incredulously after hearing the price quoted by the salesperson.

   "Sixty-eight, this is already the lowest price. Last year, this dress sold for seventy-five. If it hadn't been on sale for so long, no one bought it, and the manager wouldn't sell it at a lower price."

  Jin Jing didn't know what to say after hearing the salesperson's words, because sixty-eight yuan can buy a thick coat to wear, so spending sixty-eight yuan to buy a skirt is really not worthwhile.

  But this is just her personal opinion. As for whether to buy this dress or not, it depends on Lu Xiaoxiao's personal wish.

  If Lu Xiaoxiao wants to buy this dress, she will not stop her, because she knows that Lu Xiaoxiao is not short of money, so it is not a big deal for Lu Xiaoxiao to spend a lot of money to buy a dress she likes.

  So she asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, do you want to buy this dress?"

   "Yes, I really like this dress, I'm afraid I won't be able to buy it again if I miss it."

   "Then you can buy it."

  After hearing what Jin Jing said, Lu Xiaoxiao took out 68 yuan from her bag and handed it to the salesperson, and then she asked the salesperson to help her wrap the skirt.

  After the salesperson took the money that Lu Xiaoxiao handed her, she quickly helped Lu Xiaoxiao wrap up the skirt.

  After she wrapped the skirt, she took out a handkerchief from the counter, handed it to Lu Xiaoxiao together with the skirt, and said, "The handkerchief is my personal gift."

   "Thank you." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took the skirt and handkerchief handed to her by the salesperson, and then left the clothes counter with Jin Jing.

   After Jin Jing left the clothes counter, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "That salesperson is quite nice, and even gave you a handkerchief."

After hearing Jin Jing's words, Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the handkerchief in her hand, and then said: "The wool comes from the sheep. I bought a dress that has never been sold in the department store. She will definitely get a commission, otherwise she will not be able to sell it." No handkerchiefs for me."

   "No wonder, I just said that I bought so many clothes, and I didn't see her give me anything. This is the reason."

   "Otherwise, what do you think? By the way, didn't you say to look at the new clothes? Why don't you look at them?"

   "I've seen it a long time ago, but I didn't like it."

   "Okay, so what shall we buy next?"

   "Going to buy food, I saw two pig's trotters on the butcher's stall on the first floor, let's buy them back and make soup."

Lu Xiaoxiao shook her head after hearing Jin Jing's words, and then said: "Forget it, the weather is so hot now, the meat must have tasted, why don't we go home directly, it's almost time to do it It's supper."

Jin Jing thought about it after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but she couldn't go out and buy nothing, so she bought two cream ice creams before leaving the department store, and then ate cream ice creams with Lu Xiaoxiao and headed home go.

   A few minutes later, they walked into an alley, and saw a few wretched men blocking their way, which made them immediately vigilant.

  So they took a few steps back quickly, and then asked those wretched men, "Who are you?"

   "It doesn't matter who we are, quickly hand over your money, or don't blame us for being rude to you."

  Jin Jing's face turned black with anger when she heard the wretched man's words, and then she whispered to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, you will run out of the alley when you see the opportunity, don't look back."

  (end of this chapter)

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